
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Obama Ignores the Plight of Coptic Christians in His Blind Support for Muslim Brotherhood

Hat tip Coptic Solidarity

I am cross-posting the below article by Raymond Ibrahim, which appears in Coptic Solidarity. This is hardly the first article appearing here that has taken the Obama administration to task for supporting the murderous Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, but it is significant to me because it appears on a Coptic site.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

This is hardly the first article appearing here that has taken the Obama administration to task for supporting the murderous Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt...

...and we all know what Hermann Goehring said about a lie repeated often enough...

Miggie said...

I didn't have time to read the entire article but I saw the headline,
"Murdered Coptic Children: The Price of Obama’s Pro-Brotherhood Policy"

Was that the rascally Amish Brotherhood or the Muslim Brotherhood? If it is the latter, why wouldn't the administration do all it could to help the government to help our common enemy? Certainly the Copts believe that Obama has a "Pro-Brotherhood Policy."

I concede that I wasn't there and saw who did what and that I was only there briefly years ago but if it is question of who is doing what, I take the representation of the victims.

The only reason Obama has for not helping the Christian Copts and not trying to support Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is his partiality to Islamic causes.

It has become a toss up as to whether Obama's foreign policy results or his domestic policy results are worse.

We should have a poll and list all the disasters on one side or the other.

Miggie said...

Correction: I wrote "why wouldn't the administration do all it could to help the government to help our common enemy?"

It should have been "why wouldn't the administration do all it could to help the government to FIGHT our common enemy?"

Sorry for the typo