A "bunch of World War II vets" knocking down barriers and storming them at Normandy June 6, 1944
There are few bigger jerks in this country than Bill Maher. Here he entertains his dumb audience with a joke at the expense of our World War II vets who wanted to visit the WW II Memorial in Washington. (Hat tip Breitbart).
"Nobody said they were the brightest generation."
Seriously, who could laugh and applaud a joke like that?
Answer: Bill Maher's audience.
Nobody will ever tell a joke about Bill Maher, "the military vet", knocking down and storming a barrier. That's because Maher has never worn the uniform of his country. Of course, that didn't stop him from slamming George W Bush because he served in the National Guard during the Vietnam war.
""They are having a panel look into the intelligence failures in Iraq. It is a seven person panel and it will include Senator John McCain, but the findings from this panel will not be issued until after the election. President Bush says the commission can go off and report back in a year, you know, the same way it works in the Texas National Guard." —Bill Maher
Mr Maher really should avoid jokes about the military and those who have served in it. It illustrates what a hypocrite he is.
The World War II vets would have been smarter to storm Ted Cruz and John Boehner's offices. The executive branch is prohibited by law from spending money keeping monuments open without congressional authorization.
Now if a bunch of vets want to storm the monument, I doubt if anyone is going to arrest them for trespassing, but if someone gets hurt and no rangers are around to provide aid, the government is not responsible, because by closing the display, they served notice that the place is closed.
That's about all any of this means.
I wondering when some vet will slam Bill Maher.
Ask them.
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