Today, Janet Napolitano is visiting UC Irvine and meeting with select groups of professors-at secret locations. As previously described, each lucky professor is getting an email 60-90 minutes before his or her scheduled meeting saying at which secret bunker the meeting will be held.
Today at 11:30, a dozen or so students braved the elements (temperature was in the 60s with a light drizzle) to hand out wanted flyers for Napolitano and try to discover her secret whereabouts. They proceeded to the administration building and posted the above flyers on the glass doors (which were locked by campus cops.)
Big fizzle.
Update: Apparently, Napolitano was at the Computer Science building around noon and some students were demonstrating with police presence.
Seems like these students object to the number of people deported on Napolitano's watch. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend, Gary.
This stuff does show up how foolish it is to go for celebrities to fill big university system administrative roles. Celebrities all carry a lot of baggage with them, from one point of view or another. College presidents need to be quietly effective administrators with no outside political reputation, and some substantive academic experience.
Siarlys--off topic, found a link to that Bush assassination poster, or at least one very much like it, along with a LOT more left-wing violent stuff including soliciting for snipers, guillotines, execution, etc. It is at
If you want to take a couple of minutes, you can see my initial posting about it back in the dead letter file under Gary's most recent thing on Henry Waxman or, alternatively, and with Gary's permission, I will re-post it.
elwood, I was under the impression that you could show massive numbers of Americans were indulging in this stuff, or that such threats appeared on every street corner. You mean some zombie blogger turned up a couple of photos, and this is a nationwide trend? Somewhere in America there are people who adhere to the Flat Earth Society, but they aren't exactly a pervasive presence.
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