
Sunday, October 20, 2013

American Muslims Attacked at Hajj

“Our [holy pilgrimage] will be complete once we have killed you, ripped out your hearts and eaten them, and [then] raped your women.”

Last week, Orange County Register writer Mona Shadia wrote the below article about the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

The Washington Times also has an article on he Hajj and what happened to (mostly) Shia Muslims from the US on their pilgrimage

Mona might want to read this article before she goes to the Hajj.


Miggie said...

Quote from the second article:
"During the attack, the men reportedly shouted “Our [holy pilgrimage] will be complete once we have killed you, ripped out your hearts and eaten them, and [then] raped your women.”

This seems to be the popular and practical Muslim substitute for the 10 Commandments.

Correction for the first article: some thousand years before Mohammed, and in the original, it was the binding of Isaac and not Ishmael.

Further, the claimed elevation of women is such a lie that I am surprised that even the Register would print it. Rapes as part of the culture and sexual mutilation in some parts as acceptable is yet to be reconciled with that assertion.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Malcolm X must be turning over in his grave. And to think this was the religion that taught him not to regard people of light skin color as his enemies. Too bad the perps of this attack never read about his hajj. (Incidentally, this kind of thing is going to make inroads in North America very difficult... who'd want to be a Muslim from this continent so long as this stuff goes on?

Findalis said...

In Islam Siarlys the lighter the skin the more the worth. It wasn't the skin color of the groups but the fact that one was Shia and the other Sunni.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Findalis, you have contradicted yourself, as you often do. The lighter the skin the more the worth but it wasn't the skin color of the groups??? If you're trying to say Sunnis are uniformly lighter than Shia, that's hardly the case. Iranians are Aryan, the Turks are darker than Arabs (Turks are mostly Sunni, although some are Alevi, which is kind of like Shia)... in fact, Sunni and Shia don't really follow clear ethnic patterns at all. Most Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa are Sunni, even the darkest among them.

My point though, is that Elijah Muhammad taught Malcolm X (and all his followers) that only black people could enter Mecca, white people weren't allowed because white people could never be Muslims. When he went on the Hajj, Malcolm found that in fact Muslims came in every color on the globe, and this led him to reconsider the notion that the white man is the devil. Not a bad outcome.

Findalis said...

To the Arab lighter skin is greater than dark skin. Dark skin cannot be true Muslims. In fact the word for black and the word for slave is the same word in Arabic.

Even Muhammad stated that black people were only good for slavery.

The Muslim Arab and Persian literature which depicts blacks as "stupid, untruthful, vicious, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry and easily affected by music and drink."

Ibn Khaldun, an early Muslim thinker, writes that blacks are "only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings." He also insisted that "the only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage." (In truth, over 500,000 Africans in Basra overthrew their Arab-Islamic masters in the largest slave uprising in history in what is known as the Zanj Rebellion).

There are other sources.

It matters not what Elijah Muhammad taught Malcolm X, the truth is that blacks are considered inferior in Islam and always will be.

Gary Fouse said...

It never ceases to amaze me why American blacks turn to Islam not knowing the history of how it was slavery that introduced sub-Saharan blacks to Islam-just as it did to Chrisianity

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Findalis, relying on you as an expert on Islam is rather like relying on the authors of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as experts on Judaism. I suppose they may have found an occasional truth to embed in their narrative, when a truth proved convenient.

The caliphates were equal opportunity enslavers. They turned to African when their traditional source, northern Europe, became too settled and civilized to provide a ready supply.

What Elijah Muhammed taught was pure, self-serving myth, but it happened to strike a chord because it offered a kind of pride that was sorely lacking for people with dark complexions in America.

It was Malcolm X's acceptance, and seeing multiple racial groups all accepted, that had an impact on him. That was real enough.

As with people who claim Christianity is all this or all that, (good or bad), the west is bursting with liberty and learning or a vicious boot in the face of humanity... its all true. Any trend that lasts several centuries has been almost everything under the sun somewhere, to someone, at some time.

That's why stereotyping is dangerous.

Slavery did not introduce sub-Saharan blacks to Islam. There were some powerful empires that absorbed Islam without being conquered. It is accurate that the slave commerce the European ships tapped into, to develop the Americas, was a trans-continental trade fueled by demand from Arab merchants. Its also true most slaves taken out of Africa were bought, not captured by Europeans. Europe didn't have the capacity to conquer large numbers. They paid tax on each slave, and humbly begged permission to buy.

Alas, there are no pure heroes.