
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sikh Girls Being Targeted by Sex Gangs in UK

Hat tip Creeping Sharia

The UK is experiencing a wave of sexual grooming, in which groups of men target vulnerable young girls, befriend them, drug them, and turn them into virtual sex slaves for themselves and their friends. A number of prosecutions around the UK are on-going as previously reported hereion this site as well as others.

Mostly, it is white British girls who are targeted by rings of men described in the press as "Asian". That is a euphemism for Muslim men with Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins.

In addition to white girls, these rings have also targeted and victimised girls from Sikh families as this BBC report describes (via creeping Sharia. The tape is in British English with very inaccurate sub-titles I suggest you rely on the audio and not bother with the sub-titles.)

This all brings to mind  the 2012 annual conference of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which I attended at the All saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California last December. One of the main focuses of the event was pointing out Christian bigotry against Muslims. In addition, there was a Sikh leader there as well,  Narinjan Singh Khalsa, a Sikh minister and member of the LA Human Relations Commission, who talked of anti-Sikh bigotry-conveniently ignoring the fact that most anti-Sikh bigotry around the world is at the hands of Muslims.

I think I should send this post to Khalsa and solicit his comments about the situation in the UK.


Here is the text of my message to Mr Singh-Khalsa at the LA City Human Relations Commission.

To Mr Singh-Khalsa,

Dear Sir,

Last December, I was present at the All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena when you spoke before the Muslim Public Affairs Council on the occasion of their annual conference. You spoke of anti-Sikh bigotry and the attack on the Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Yet, unless I am mistaken, you omitted the fact that most anti-Sikh bigotry comes from Muslims around the world. I am attaching an article I wrote linked to a BBC report on sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men in the UK. This is a serious problem that affects not only native British girls, but Sikh girls and their families as well.

I wonder if you would care to comment on this issue. I also wonder if you have raised it with your friends at MPAC and what their position is.

I am posting this letter to you on my blog and would be happy to post your response as well. Please note that I am not accusing all Muslims of this kind of activity, but I am concerned for the welfare of your community both here and in the UK. The activity reported in the UK is atrocious and must be countered.


Gary Fouse


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Be real Gary, sex gangs target any vulnerable girls they can get their hands on, just like Mickey Cohen did.

Miggie said...

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a response to your communication.

It would be hard for them to acknowledge that Islamism is the moral foe of civilization. How do they produce such people who are so perverse?

Other people have their bad apples here and there. It is a statistical certainty. Yet with members of this single people you get so many deviants and terrorists that it must be that there is some forgiveness or justification within the culture.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah Miggie, how did Judaism produce Mickey Cohen and Meyer Lansky? What a perverse religion it must be.

And don't get me started on Christianity... or Buddhism for that matter.

Gary Fouse said...


Since when did you become an expert on Mickey Cohen? After you watched that B-movie last year?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I don't have to be an expert on Cohen, Gary, just like I don't have to be an expert on how sexual grooming is done to form an opinion that we should suppress it. Or are you one of those liberals who believe everyone should try it before making up their mind?

But if you were going to clarify that Mickey Cohen didn't do sexual grooming, the movie got that all wrong, he only put willing volunteers to work, and meticulously split the take with them 50:50, why, I'll take your word for it as a knowledgeable law enforcement officer whose lived most of your life in Los Angeles, and use a different example.