
Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama Ignores the Coptic Christians

Hat tip Coptic Solidarity

In the below article in Coptic Solidarity, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice describes how the Obama administration is basically ignoring the plight of Egypt's Christian community.

Shameful. Our administration is supporting the very side that is carrying out the persecution of Egyptian Christians and saying little to nothing about it.

"Well, I didn't bring my red pen out  with me today."


Findalis said...

And the Syrian Christians. The Palestinian Christians. The Christians in Indonesia. In Pakistan. In Bangladesh. In the Muslim world.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As I never tire of saying, anyone who wants to pillory President Obama for ignoring the plight of Syrian and Egyptian Christians should highlight what they want the president to do about it. All of those complaining have consistently said we should stay out and do nothing. Are they supposed to die happy that at least Americans are blogging about it? Would they die happier if President Obama made mention of them in a Rose Garden press conference?

Gary Fouse said...

I don't want him to invade Egypt. I want him to speak out and condemn those that are doing it and put it before the UN, use all his diplomatic weight to aid the Christians. That he has not done.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"Speaking out" without being prepared to put any real muscle behind the words is called powerless posturing. A president willing to speak should be prepared to act. A president not prepared to act (or leading a nation whose people are not willing to act) should talk about things he (or she) can deliver.