
Monday, September 23, 2013

Kenya: Some Questions

Now that Kenyan (and Israeli?) forces appear to have gained control over the  Nairobi mall massacre scene and our vaunted Secretary of State John Kerry is promising an investigation, here is what I would like to see investigated.

If it is true that three of the   attackers were US residents and they were Somali immigrants, who is responsible for letting them into the US, Mr Kerry?

Can any senators or representatives  of Congress demand an investigation into our refugee policy, especially since we about to open the floodgates to more Syrians, Somalis, Iraqis etc.?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I think the proper question is who is responsible for letting them OUT of the U.S.

Somalis who came into the U.S. came as refugees, and anyone of an age to be an active terrorist in this kind of operation most likely was a child then.

But as I've said before, I believe the policy of airlifting them all here was taken by the Reagan and Bush administrations.

Gary Fouse said...

Soar lays,

I must remind you that our power to keep people from leaving the US is limited unless you want to emulate the East Germans of the old DDR. We do ave the power if not the will to choose who we bring in.

Whatever administration it was, possibly Clinton, the State Depot and AId were the responsible agencies. Someone made a huge blunder, which we continue to perpetuate.

The Jakes said...

"Soar lays"

You're stooping to a new low here, Gary.

Gary Fouse said...


Apologies to Siarlys, (not his real name anyway). Blogging with an iPad is not an ideal situation when traveling.

The Jakes said...

My apologies then. I thought you were trying to undercut his argument by making fun of his screen name. I saw something similar on another post. It's like that picture I saw on Facebook that reads: "Auto-correct, I'm getting really tired of your shirt."

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary has good taste in baseball teams, and I have to take his word for it that he knows beer, because I don't. His sense of humor has never been very impressive and is a bit on the crude side, perhaps coarsened by years of undercover DEA work. He's frustrated that I challenge many of his posts with solid facts and analysis that are difficult to refute, so he's taken to expressing his frustration with variations on my pen name. I hadn't really been paying attention until The Jakes pointed it out. Actually, Siarlys IS my real name, although in another language. Jenkins is my mother's father's mother's maiden name.

Considering all the data the NSA collects, I thought their rationale was, at least we can identify terrorist activity and put a stop to it before it starts, e.g., knowing which 5 of several tens of thousands of Somalis in the USA are training as terrorists, blogging with terrorists, accepting invitations to go participate in terrorist operations... If they can't even do that, why should we put up with them downloading our call records?