
Friday, September 27, 2013

John McCain's New Syria Adviser

Senator John McCain, a man who served his country with honor and valor in the Vietnam war as a  pilot and POW,  is ending his career as a sadly misinformed and bull-headed senator. The latest example of his folly is his hiring of  Elizabeth O'Bagy as his legislative assistant (and adviser on Syria). It has been revealed that O'Bagy fabricated her PhD credentials.

That's OK, Senator. Go ahead and hire her. You will learn that people with fabricated credentials tend to give false information and bad advice.

Keep in mind that McCain wants us to intervene militarily in Syria and send US troops into this cauldron of killing between tribes and religious factions, where both sides consist of very bad people.

Based on this woman's advice? Is this how we are formulating our foreign policy?

* Full disclosure. Yes, I voted for McCain in 2008. Considering his opponent (Obama), I don't apologize for it. But I don't think now this man would have made a good president. His seeming arrogance badly clouds his judgement in my view. I will welcome the day when he leaves office.


Miggie said...

Cruz (who I believe was the one to say it) pointed out that McCain, Lindsay Graham, and others of their generation or on their way out and it is time for fresh new leadership.

Moderates don't win elections. Look at the last two presidential Republican candidates.

There was the same shift in the Democratic Party, starting in 2008. Obama, MoveOn.Org, and the left edge of the party prevailed over the Clintons, Podestas, Carvilles, and established older Democrats.

McCain is no more of an expert on Syria than I am. It is an inscrutable, treacherous mess and we lack the intelligence resources to sort it out. Besides, the time to act was several years ago and not standing by and watching what may happen as Obama did.

McCain's incomprehensible hiring of this admitted fraud is more evidence of his gullibility.

Bartender Cabbie said...

As bad as Obama is, we may well be lucky that McCain was not the victor.

Gary Fouse said...


He (McCain) ain't that bad. Nobody could be that bad. But it is time for McCain to go back to Arizona.

Gary Fouse said...


I like Cruz more every day.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I thought you had better taste than that Gary. Cruz would be a tin-pot dictator running the U.S. like a banana republic with a goon squad if we didn't have rather well established stable institutions to keep him in check. You think NSA is bad now, it would have free rein if Cruz were in charge. And the economy would collapse. The man knows what he wants, and what he believes, but he doesn't know beans about how an economy works.

(Cabbie has fully justified my faith in him. I wonder if we'll end up voting for the same candidate in 2016?)