
Sunday, September 15, 2013

In Syria Everybody Wins

John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who seem to be joined at the hip these days, have stated the obvious-that the US-Russian agreement on Syria is meaningless.

Saddam Hussein must be laughing in his grave as he sees this scenario repeating itself all over again.

The biggest difference will be those hapless UN inspectors dodging bullets as the Syrians lead them on the big Easter egg hunt. What happens in 2014? Do they bring in Lady Catherine Ashton of the EU?

And all the while, McCain and Graham will be screaming for American bombs to fall in order to bring peace and democracy to the Syrian people.

Prediction: Vladimir Putin and John Kerry get one of those now-meaningless Nobel Peace prizes and Obama's poll numbers go back up ten points for applying the threat of a pin prick strike to get the Syrians to agree to stroke us for the next year while Assad wins his civil war.

Oh yeah. Since Kerry gets a Nobel prize, Hillary Clinton has to get one too for restarting the reset button with Russia.


Miggie said...

I think the whole Syria thing will go to the back burner to join the IRS Scandal, spying on reporters, Benghazi, Hillarycare, and numerous others. Obama will be an ineffectual bystander once again, his favorite position.

The liberals claim mentioning these are just Obama bashing, but the fact of the matter is that they are a matter of history and demonstrates what happens when you elect Democrats, especially liberal ones.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I thought you wanted Assad to win...

elwood p suggins said...

I am sure it is just me and that I am undoubtedly wrong, but somehow having Russia supposedly riding herd on Syria, or Iran for that matter, if it came to that, is quite reminiscent of foxes and henhouses.