If George Zimmerman winds up a murder victim, there will be a lot of people with blood on their hands. One of them will be an artist who goes by the name of Huong. She has produced a mural that portrays an unbloodied Zimmerman executing Trayvon Martin in cold blood in the back of the head from a standing position. Not only that, but it has found its way into the Florida State Capitol building as part of a protest. It is false, and it is disgusting.
I am assuming that the state capitol did not authorize the exhibition of this painting. If they did, somebody should sue them on behalf of Zimmerman. This is a complete misrepresentation of what the evidence showed as to the nature of the incident in which Martin was killed. And what is Martin Luther King's image doing in that painting?
This is just as irresponsible as Oprah Winfrey's recent statement equating the killing of Martin to he killing of Emmitt Till.
The deaths of King and Till were cases of cold-blooded murder motivated by hate with no element of self defense. Yet here we have supposed "leaders" like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, and others likening Zimmerman to the killers of King and Till. Now comes this woman with this obscene piece of art that can only contribute to Zimmerman having to live his life in hiding.
These analogies are indeed overblown.
But you don't have a lot of credibility making that criticism, when you deny that Zimmerman WAS acting as an irresponsible one-man vigilante squad, and therefore brought the whole sequence of events on himself. If he hadn't been stalking Martin, he wouldn't have found himself lying on the ground getting his head pounded and feeling moved to pull a gun. Trayvon Martin would have been home watching TV eating his snacks, and we would never have heard of either one of them.
I suspect Zimmerman's vigilantism consisted of trying to pin down Martin's exact whereabouts so he could tell the cops where he was when they arrived. Nothing more than that was ever proven.
Well, I watched the video of Zimmerman telling the cops next day exactly what he did, and if he had been following me in that manner, I would have called 9-1-1 on him. Martin, unfortunately, decided to act in pre-emptive self-defense, which is also not a good idea under the circumstances.
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