The shuttle flight from New York arrived at the gate at Washington's Reagan Airport. A tall man walked off into the arrival lounge and was greeted by a visibly nervous man in his 30s.
"We're glad you're here, Tom."
"The Godmother put me on a flight as soon as she got the word," answered the tall man. "Where are we going?"
"Straight to the Capitol," answered the shorter, nervous man.
Twenty minutes later, the two men arrived in a staff car and parked behind the Capitol in the official lot.
"Where to now?" asked the tall man.
""We're going to the gym, " said the shorter man as they walked up the steps of the Capitol building.
As the two men approached the Capitol gym, they saw that it was a mob scene with reporters and cameras everywhere. People were trying to get into the gym, but were being kept at bay by two security guards.
"It's OK, boys. He's with me," said the shorter man as they both walked into the gym.
The gym was almost deserted, except for one slender, middle-aged man sitting on a massage table wrapped in a bath towel.
The man was clearly distraught. Behind him on another massage table lay.......
an I-phone.
"I thought I might be of some assistance, Congressman," said the tall man.
"Tom! Thank God you're here," said the Congressman leaping off the table and rushing to the tall man. "I knew the Godmother wouldn't forget me."
"I got here as soon as I could," replied Tom.
The congressman turned and walked back to the table where the I-phone was lying.
"I don't know how this happened, Tom. We've done it many times. I sent these pictures to my friend-a person who I trust. I just don't know how I could have clicked the wrong button. I mean, I would never..."
Tom picked up the I-phone and looked at the screen.
Then he looked at the e-mail addresses.
"From: Weener"
"To: The world"
"What am I gonna do, Tom?"
Tom sat down next to the congressman, who appeared to be on the edge of a breakdown.
"OK. Here's the plan. First thing you're gonna do is go out there and resign."
"But I can't do that, Tom."
"Hear me out. Right now you're a liability to us and the Godmother. You gotta go back to New York and lay low for awhile. Go into some rehab joint for a couple of weeks so you can come out and announce that it's all behind you, see? Then next year you run for mayor of New York. You always wanted that, didn't ya?"
"Well, yeah, but Bloomberg's the mayor of New York."
"He ain't gonna be mayor forever."
"He ain't?"
"No. Next year, we'll be ready to stick you in there."
"But what about this?" asked the congressman pointing to the I-phone and the door where dozens of reporters were gathered outside.
Tom smiled. "Take my word for it. The people will forget after awhile. By next year, you'll announce your candidacy, and you'll instantly be the front-runner."
"I will?"
"Yeah, but you can't let this happen again, cuz if it does, you'll drop to fourth place in the polls."
"I won't Tom, I promise. I knew the Godemother would understand, what with all her own marital problems."
Suddenly, the smile disappeared from Tom's face. His look grew cold and menacing.
"You don't talk about that stuff, see? The Godmother don't appreciate no comparisons with her situation."
"Sorry, Tom."
Tom continued outlining his plan.
"So in 2014, you're gonna be mayor of New York. In 2016, the Godmother becomes president. That means secretary of state."
The congressman's eyes widened. "Secretary of state! For me?"
"No, dummy. For Huma. We got it all figured out. She's an important part of our outreach to the Middle East. They'll all love us once Huma's secretary of state. Besides, think of all the trips you can make with her to all those important and exotic world capitals; Paris, London, Beijing, Cairo, Riyadh, Ramallah..."
The congressman thought for a moment.
"Well, maybe Paris would be nice."
"That's the ticket," said Tom getting up. "Now put some clothes on and let's get outta here. We'll take the back door to avoid those reporters. I think I even saw Breitbart out there. Tomorrow, you issue a statement resigning your office and we get you back to the Big Apple. Howz that sound?"
"OK, Tom. Thanks a whole lot. I knew I could count on the Godmother."
To be continued......(maybe)
1 comment:
Seems to be unraveling...
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