
Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Godmother Part 5

The  Godmother


Cheryl Mills


The Consigliere

Nobody took any notice of the attractive brunette who deplaned from the Boeing flight from Washington as it arrived at LAX. Carrying nothing more than an overnight case, the woman walked directly to the exit and boarded a taxi.

"NBC Studios in Burbank", she told the driver.

Riding the LA freeways, the driver took little note of his passenger. Yet, she was not just any passenger.

She was the consigliere for the Godmother.

Arriving about an hour later, the woman walked directly to the guard at the gate and asked as to the office of the studio president. The guard called the president's office and was informed that he was in studio 3. Getting the directions, the consigliere walked to the studio and waited by the door. She could see the man she was looking for talking to a group of actors at the set.

As the president approached the door where she was waiting, she stepped up and introduced herself.

"Sir, I represent a group of people in Washington. I would like to talk to you about that mini-series NBC was planning about the Godmother."

With an annoyed and hurried look on his face, the president told her, "That deal's off. Too much heat. We got the RNC on our back. Even Chuck Todd at MSNBC says it's a horrible idea. Forget about it."

The consigliere persisted. "My people have an interest in seeing that series go forward. Here's my card. You can Google my name. Then give me a call. I'll be waiting."

Back at his office computer, the mogul ran the name through Google (Hat tip Daily Caller).

Later that same evening as the mogul and consigliere strolled around the former's palatial estate in Malibu....

"Why didn't you tell me you were working for the Godmother, Cheryl?"

"She's trying to keep a low profile for the time being. I'm sure you understand."

"Sure. Can I freshen up that drink for you?" asked the mogul as he reached for her glass.

"Thank you."

Gently guiding her by the arm, the mogul led her in the direction of a horse stable off to the side of the swimming pool. They walked inside to a stall where a beautiful Arabian was eating his hay.

"I can tell you are a woman  who appreciates beauty-and power, right, Cheryl"

"A beautiful horse, indeed, she replied."

Later at dinner.

As the plates were swept away by a servant, the consigliere again broached the subject of the planned mini-series about the Godmother.

"It is very important to us that this series go forward. It would be very helpful to the Godmother's election chances."

The mogul's face darkened.

"Look. We all know the Godmother is going to run for president, but I can't do it, I tell you. This guy, Rin Tin Prugel or whatever his name is says he will shut NBC out of the Republican primary debates. You know what that means? That's a ton of advertising dough. You know how many people will be tuning in to see Rick Perry debate Rick Santorum in 2016? We can't pass that up. Besides, the public will see right through it, and we'll lose a ton of credibility. We already got a black eye with MSNBC pimping for you guys 24-7".

"The Godmother would be very grateful. On the other hand...."

"Oh, I get it," retorted the mogul. "The carrot and the stick, eh?" His face reddened. "Well, let me tell you something, Lady. Nobody threatens me. I ain't gonna do that mini-series for the Godmother. Let me tell you why." his voice rising.

"There was this young man, see? I took him under my wing. I groomed him. He wanted to be a journalist. He was gonna go right to the top. He was on his way- Time, ABC, you name it. Then he went to Washington where he fell in with the Godmother's crowd.  Yeah, her and that oily husband of hers and all the rest. They used him. They corrupted him. By the time they were done with him, I didn't recognize him anymore. He had no credibility, nothin' He was just a shell."

As the consigliere sat there listening to the tirade, she caught a glimpse of a young man peeking from around a corner on the upstairs balcony.

Just as quickly, he disappeared.

The tirade continued.  "But me, I don't scare so easy, see? You don't just come in and tell me what to do and what to say and expect it to happen like all the others. Yeah. I know about that UN ambassador too. Well, I ain't no UN ambassador.  I'm different, see? Now you get the Hell outta here and you tell those greaseballs in Washington I ain't playin' ball!"

The consigliere rose from her seat. "I would appreciate your driver taking me to the airport. The Godmother prefers to get bad news quickly."

Hours later, the mogul was sleeping soundly, satisfied how he had handled the pushy woman. As he turned in his bed, he began to feel something strange, something squishy at his feet........

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