
Friday, August 23, 2013

Mother of Benghazi Victim: "You Don't Want This Person to be President"

Hat tip National Review and Frontpage Magazine

That's what pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was killed at Benghazi last September 11, told Fox News this morning.

I heartily concur.

"What difference at this point does it make?"

It makes a lot of difference.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I would need to know a lot more about Pat Smith before I would consider her opinion as helpful in deciding how to cast my vote. However, I know all I need to know to have made up my mind that I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president.

1) I don't want dynasties. No more Clintons, Bushes, and for that matter Obamas, in the White House.

2) Government is not the village it takes to raise a child.

3) The first woman president should be someone who rose on her own, not piggy-backed off the waning days of her husband's prior presidency.

4) She's sufficiently opportunistic that I literally don't know what she would do if elected, because she tries to be all things to all people.

5) She voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Miggie said...

There are several liberals in the discussion group I lead on Fridays. They usually make a bet on how long it will be before the topic of Benghazi comes up.

They believe that the Republicans are just exploiting the situation (that could have happened to anyone). They don't appreciate those in service or have been in service the absolute requirement, to come to aid people under attack. It is a throwaway to them but crucial to the cohesiveness of any military force.

They fail to see that the famous 3AM phone call actually came in and they were like deers frozen in the headlights. They were stupidly unprepared, traitorously cowardly during the attack, and purposely lied about the nature of the attack right away to cover their asses. They are STILL holding back information and the people who survived to allow them to testify.

Yet these liberal zombies are so used to spouting the DNC talking points that they truly believe the Benghazi attack was really to embarrass the president.

Actually, they can't face the fact that he is an amateur who believes that his speeches will influence the Muslim world.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I thought it was all about covering up a CIA operation.