Rick Moran in PJ Media rightfully points out the hypocrisy of Hollywood for focusing on Russia's anti-gay legislation while ignoring far worse treatment of gays in places like Iran (where they are executed).

Iran-Hudud sharia in practice
I am not defending Russia's actions in any way, but at least they are not killing gays.
As Moran points out, the apologists will insist that anti-gay persecution in Muslim countries has more to do with local culture, tribalism and all that. Unfortunately for their arguments, homosexual acts are illegal under sharia law and punishable by death in certain Islamic countries like Iran under hudud sharia. (That's the part that deals with "crimes against God'.)
Given that punishments vary from one country to another and that there may be disagreement among different schools of Islamic jurisprudence, here is one site (Momin.com) that I came up with which addresses the issue.
The Middle East Forum has also documented the words of leading Islamic scholar Yusuf al Qaradawi, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the subject of homosexuality.
Question: Please, could you tell me the ruling on homosexuality: sodomy and lesbianism. And if it isharam [prohibited], what is the punishment for it in Islam?
Dr. Qaradawi answers: We must be aware that in regulating the sexual drive Islam has prohibited not only illicit sexual relations and all what leads to them, but also the sexual deviation known as homosexuality. This perverted act is a reversal of the natural order, a corruption of man's sexuality, and a crime against the rights of females. (The same applies equally to the case of lesbianism.)
The spread of this depraved practice in a society disrupts its natural life pattern and makes those who practice it slaves to their lusts, depriving them of decent taste, decent morals, and a decent manner of living. The story of the people of Prophet Lut (Lot), peace be upon him, as narrated in the Qur'an should be sufficient for us. Prophet Lut's people were addicted to this shameless depravity, abandoning natural, pure, lawful relations with women in the pursuit of this unnatural, foul and illicit practice. That is why their Prophet Lut, peace be on him, told them, "What! Of all creatures, do you approach males and leave the spouses whom your Lord has created for you? Indeed, you are people transgressing (all limits)!" (Qur'an, 26: 165-166)
The strangest expression of these peoples' perversity of nature, lack of guidance, depravity of morals, and aberration of taste was their attitude toward the guests of Prophet Lut, peace be upon him.[Here follows a digression on the story of Lot as related in the Qur'an.—Eds.]
Muslim jurists have held differing opinions concerning the punishment for this abominable practice. Should it be the same as the punishment for fornication, or should both the active and passive participants be put to death? While such punishments may seem cruel, they have been suggested to maintain the purity of the Islamic society and to keep it clean of perverted elements.
Criticize Russian if you will, but let's put it in a little perspective.
I think that there's a focus on what's going on in Russia because they're hosting the Olympics.
So are we going to boycott the Olympics?
I'm just enjoying the spectacle of so many "conservatives" rushing to uphold gay rights once they noticed that Russia and a number of Muslim nations are persecuting gays. By the way Gary, what do you say about Uganda?
What do I say about Uganda?
Not much.
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