Loon Watch is an Islamic blog I have linked here at Fousesquawk under the category, "Fiction Section". It is blog dedicated to the proposition that any critic of Islam or Islamists is "Islamophobic" (however Loon Watch chooses to define that tricky term). And, yes, it appears the actual faces running Loon Watch are anonymous. Here is an overview on Loon Watch by Religion of Peace, a counter Jihad website:
This week, Loon Watch is running an article that I found interesting enough to post here. I also found it interesting enough to send in a comment, but it appears they chose not to publish it.
The below article voices concern about anti-Muslim violence in Europe. What I find astounding about it is the fact that the very opposite is the problem; it is violence committed by Muslims in virtually every Western European country that is the problem. Here is their article.
I did not save my exact comment, but here is a pretty accurate re-creation of what I said:
"While I don't condone violence against Muslims- especially women, it seems that you are looking at this problem while standing on your head. In virtually every European country, Muslims are committing the acts of violence and riots. Entire sections of cities are declared no-go zones, where non-Muslims dare not tread. Lest I mention Lee Rigby? Lest I mention Toulouse? The problem is that Muslims are not assimilating and have no respect for the local traditions and values. Against whom is the UN/EU supposed to crack down on? Before you call on anybody to crack down on violence and hate, you should look in the mirror and clean up your own back yard."
I think that pretty much says it. No need to try and catalog all the terror that goes on daily around the world. No need to list all the riots that have occurred in Europe, the crimes, the assaults, the rapes, or all the attacks against Jews on the streets of European cities. As I said, most Muslims are innocent people, and to commit acts of violence or hate against them would be wrong as I have said many times on this site. However, to ignore the elephant in the back of the room and the threat we are facing is insane, and we cannot be deterred by the fear of being called Islamophobes-or loons-by the likes of CAIR or Loon Watch.
Loon Watch-whoever they are- is an Islamist site that will ignore or cover up the outrages that are being carried out world-wide in the name of Islam. Any reaction is to be labeled hate speech, and voices such as Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller are to be stamped out. Far be it from them to look in the mirror.
They might discover a real life loon.
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