-Monkey in the Middle
I am cross-posting Monkey in the Middle's post of a list of Christian churches attacked and/or in Egypt in the past day.
- Father Maximus Church
- St George Church | Burned
- Good Shepherds Monastery | Nuns attacked
- Angel Michael Church | Surrounded
- St George Coptic Orthodox Church
- Al-Eslah Church| Burned
- Adventist Church | Pastor and his wife kidnapped
- St Therese Church
- Apostles Church | Burning
- Holy Revival Church | Burning
- The Nuns School
- St George Church | al-Wasta
- St Fatima Basilica | Heliopolis | Attempted Attack
- St Mary Church | El Nazlah
- St Damiana Church | Robbed and burned
- Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) Church
- Evangelical Church | al-Zorby Village | Looting and destruction
- Church of Joseph | Burned
- Franciscan School | Burned
- Diocese of St Paul | Burned
- Father Antonios
- Atfeeh Bishopric
- Church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abram | Delga, Deir Mawas
- St Mina Church | Abu Hilal Kebly, Beni Hilal
- Baptist Church | Beni Mazar
- Deir Mawas Bishopric
- Delga Church | Attacked
- The Jesuit Fathers Church | Abu Hilal district
- St Mark Church | Abu Hilal district
- St Joseph Nunnery
- Amir Tadros Church
- Evangelical Church
- Anba Moussa al-Aswad Church
- Apostles Church
- St Mary’s Church | Attempted Burning
- St George Church
- St Damiana | Attacked and burned
- Virgin Mary | Attacked and burned
- St Mark Church & Community Center
- Anba Abram Church | Destroyed and burned
- St Saviours Anglican Church
- Franciscan Church and School | Street 23 | Burned
- Holy Shepherd Monastery and Hospital
- Good Shepherd Church (molotov cocktail thrown)- Relationship with Holy Shepherd Monastery unknown.
- Greek Orthodox Church
- House of Father Angelos (Pastor of Church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abram) | Delga, Minya | Burned
- Properties and Markets of Copts | al-Gomhorreya Street, Assiut
- Seventeen Coptic homes | Delga, Minya | Burned
- YMCA | Minya| Burned
- Coptic Homes | Qulta Street, Assiut | Attacked
- Offices of the Evangelical Foundation & Oum al-Nour | Minya
- Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels | Karnak and Cleopatra Streets, Luxor | Attacked and Looted
- Dahabeya Nile Boat | Minya| Church-owned
- Bible Society bookshop | Cairo | Burned
- Bible Society | Fayoum
- Bible Society | al-Gomohoreya Street, Assiut
Here is an update on the situation from Fox News.
Outrage for Christians? You have to be joking Gary. There is only one minority that the world can mourn: Muslims.
Welcome to the world of the Jews. 2000 years of this and worse. Get used to it.
When will the Left and its faithful idiots realize that Islam is not the religion of peace and stop the interfaith outreach sham?
I wonder what that boob pastor in Pasadena, Ed Bacon is thinking now.
The Marines are airlifting Bo the Dog.
Even that is a more worthy effort than trying to restore order to the ME.
We don't need to send in the Marines. We need a Coast Guard and Border patrol to keep this insanity out of our own country.
If you are not prepared to offer a plan of action to save the latest victimized group you enjoy highlighting, then what good are you doing them?
...and as the Copts of the village were burned alive inside their own church, their last thoughts were, at least Fousesquawk is writing about this on his blog...
better than the Huffington Post.
I wouldn't know, I don't read the Huffington Post.
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