
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Florida Stands by Her Texts

As previously posted, Florida is another state embroiled in protests over textbooks that essentially promote Islam to our schoolchildren.

Todd Starnes with Fox News has an update. School officials are defending the text in question, Prentice's World History.

As the article indicates, California has similar problems. Islamic activists have wormed their way on the textbook selection committees. This is the result.


Squid said...

Florida has its problems with Progressives and far left academic thinkers who imagine that they are doing good by promoting Islam and rendering Judaism and Christianity to the back ally of history. Shame on the historians who reinvent history for the sake of feeling good about promoting Islam.
Yes, California has the same problem. It was the Local ACT and a great man named Col. Al Rowley, who passed this week, that started the movement to expunge the misleading reinterpretation of Islam and bring equal reporting about Judaism and Christianity to California texts. I have been in touch with a California history reviewer for State Department textbook panel. She agrees with the fact that an unbalanced presentation of religions has occurred and authorized changing the history books back to reality. In addition, the Islamist who had successfully proposed the inflated history of Islam was discredited, as he was not a graduate of USC (as he claimed).


Gary Fouse said...


I also noted with sadness the passing of Al Rowley.