This is the latest missive I have received from the White House boiler room. This was supposedly written by Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick and urges me to join the Organizing for America Truth Team!!!

![]() | Date: | Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:55 PM |
![]() | To:fousesquawk |
![]() | Subject: | Fight back - join OFA's Truth Team |
![]() | Size: | 16 KB |
Friend -- I bet you're a lot like me. You spend a lot of time reasoning with your cranky uncle at the holiday table or your friendly neighbor in the grocery line about something the President has done to make us proud, only to find that they are stuck on some claim you know is false. ![]() Comment: Like maybe all those claims about the Islamic Society Cultural Center in Boston, the very place you endorsed and appeared at in spite of their terror connections? (Hat tip Creeping Sharia) You care about what we've accomplished together because you know it's good for the country. And it frustrates you to no end that there are people out there spending millions of dollars to lie about it, because they think it helps their politics. Just look at what some are saying about Obamacare. Here's a reform that improves the health of both American families and American businesses. But some want to move us backwards -- at any cost. Good grief. This isn't new to you -- you've been involved in efforts to "get out the truth" before, and you know how important it is to fight back with facts. Today, I'm asking you to keep it up -- sign up to join the OFA Truth Team. Comment: Just what every administration needs-a Truth Team. By signing up for Truth Team, you'll get tip sheets, regular updates, and all the facts and figures you need to make sure your friends, family, and coworkers know the facts. OFA will never send you something that isn't backed up by a source you can check out for yourself -- you'll always be able to feel confident about passing things along. ![]() Having a group of dedicated folks on your side to fight back against the lies is crucial. Trust me, I know, and it makes a difference. Health care reform in my home state has made a big difference for folks. Today, over 98 percent of Massachusetts residents are insured, we are healthier, and it has not been a budget buster. More companies offer affordable insurance to their employees today than before our reform took effect, too, and the reforms are popular among individuals, families, and businesses alike. When we began implementing it, we asked supporters all across the state to help respond to the misinformation or misunderstandings out there -- and that played a big role in making Massachusetts' health care reform a success. Now with Obamacare, we've seen political groups willing to spend millions in ads to spread lies and confuse the public about what's really going on -- even about the benefits folks are already seeing, like ending lifetime caps, and young adults who can stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26. In fact, opponents have spent $385 million already doing just that. It's not that they have a better idea to protect people's health -- it's that they see Obamacare as a significant policy victory for our President, and they want to do everything they can to undermine that. Same old pattern: hurt the President even if it hurts the country. Just disgusting. That's why we've got to fight back. So if you care about telling the real story about Obamacare -- or just making sure that the debates going on in Washington are happening over actual facts -- you need to be a part of this. Sign up to be a part of OFA's Truth Team right now: Thanks for your help, Governor Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | ||
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Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
Next we'll get some Obama hack sending us e-mails with a tip line to turn in counter-revolutionaries.
1 comment:
Obama is not close to being a revolutionary. I used to wish he was, but now I'm not so sure he could handle the responsibilities that go with leading a revolution. Few human beings can, which is why Thomas Jefferson wrote that mankind will endure small evils as long as they can rather than run the risks of overthrowing an existing order.
Anyway, he's only the President of the United States, not a revolutionary. He doesn't have the running room to be a revolutionary if he wanted to be.
I have passed, on invitations like this, because I have yet to get a clear picture of what OFA, or the Truth Team, or the Firewall, or anything else stand for. I'm all for continued citizen participation in politics between elections, but I want to help formulate the policies I'm out there knocking on doors for, or, I want to see them clearly stated so I can say, yes, I believe in this, or no thank you, I'll pass on that one.
Support The President's Agenda doesn't cut it for me. I'm glad he's president. I'm glad Mittens is not president. There's a fair number of things he's trying to do that make sense. There are others that do not make sense. I think Elena Kagen was a lousy choice for the Supreme Court, Summers and Geithner were choices who could, would and did totally waste a crisis that could have restored Glass-Steagall and broken up banks that were too big to fail into smaller pieces that could be allowed to fail, and I think he should have bowed out of the same sex marriage controversy on the ground that the constitution gives the president no jurisdiction over marriage -- he has enough work to do on matters he does have responsibility for, without using the White House as a bully pulpit on every issue under the sun.
So I'm not signing on to a laundry list of issues and positions when I only agree on some of them. Besides, the DNC puts out such lousy TV spots I don't want to waste my money funding them.
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