A German restaurant in New York City
"Our specialty today is the Wienerspitzer"
Our boy Anthony Weiner is digging himself deeper and deeper, and his erstwhile missus, Huma Abedin, is becoming the next Hillary Clinton, perhaps all by design.
Today, Anthony sent an e-mail to all his adoring fans almost blaming Huma for his troubles. Viewer warning. The NY Post has all kinds of salacious stuff in this one (virtually ALL the news that's fit to print).
Well, what did you expect, the New York Times? Remember the write ups they did on Weiner last yea in the NYT Magazine telling us how Anthony and Huma were getting past it all? They were helping him prepare for his political comeback. Look at them now.
You missed the headline, either NY Post or maybe the Daily News,
"Weiner Won't Pull Out."
This woman has been publicly humiliated for a second time by her husband who then forces her to speak on his behalf ("Don't go far" he orders her as she slinks back after her cringe-worthy apologia). She has the audacity to say that as she has forgiven him, after fighting to save her marriage though a lot of "hard work" and a "lot of therapy" after an obscenely short period of time, the voter should as well (if he becomes mayor, the average Joe Public will be stuck with him for considerably longer). Then, rather than explain herself and answer questions, she states that this is "a private manner"- again, after speaking out publicly on his behalf as a character witness, following him around publicly on the campaign trail, and appearing in photo-ops, magazine spreads and campaign videos. And this yet some are praising her as a female role model decades after universal suffrage supposedly heralded female emancipation!
Yeah, I remember a few lines about Richard Nixon too...
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