
Friday, July 26, 2013

Here is What Israel is Supposed to Negotiate Peace With

Hat tip Algemeiner

Don't hand out that Nobel Peace prize to John Heinz Kerry just yet. Here is an insight into the nature of the beast that Israel is supposed to negotiate with. The PA (Palestinian Authority) is an entity that promises no Jews will live in an independent Palestinian state. In addition, their media regularly broadcasts educational programs designed to teach children that Jews are monsters. In addition, they are honoring a terrorist responsible for over 60 murders.

But according to the intelligentsia in Washington, Mahmoud Abbas is a man the US and Israel can do business with.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

There is an interesting cartoon in the Economist which shows Kerry presiding over a negotiating table with Abbas on one side, his arms taped behind his back by Hamas, Netanyahu on the other side, his arms tied behind his back by the illegal settler outfits, both having their mouths gagged. Now that's a more accurate depiction of the real obstacles to negotiation.

I'm sure Abbas would prefer to take the whole territory "from the river to the sea." But he's smart enough to know he can't get it, so he'll negotiate something he can convince the population he represents to live with. Netanyahu would rather take everything from the river to the sea for Israel, but he knows he can't get away with that either. That's the basis for negotiations, not peace and love.