It has come to this:
This is the system of justice we now have in place under Eric Holder and his henchman, soon-to-be secretary of labor Thomas Perez. What comes next, block wardens?
So now we have the spectacle of the Justice Department calling on private citizens to report anything they know about Zimmerman's racial attitudes. Did he ever use the n-word in the past? Did he ever criticize affirmative action?
Is this what our country has become?
"What comes next, block wardens?"
Wrong Gary!
What comes next is Guillotine!
Hat tip line to Gary...
... your next parody requires reading up on the practice in ancient Venice of drop boxes in the mouths of decorative lions heads etc. where disgruntled citizens could place secret reports on threats to The State from their neighbors and enemies.
It will be a bit obscure compared to the platinum hit starring Mel Gibson in a movie on the Mavi Marmara, and the punch line won't be "Are you a Jew?" But it could make Mr. Holder look quite ridiculous.
(Not so ridiculous as Squid is sounding though.)
This is just like the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. One neighbor informing on another. It could be some commercial dispute but a word to the authorities would be the end of your rival. Children were expected to inform on their parents and eventually it was a crime if you knew or should have known something considered derogatory to the government, then you were shipped off for not having informed.
Nobody could trust anyone else.
Certainly, someone will come up with some allegation that Zimmerman used the "N-word" sometime in the past... like Mark Furhman. It doesn't matter that Trayvon Martin's father, girlfriend, and other buddies use it many times a day...
There is a saying that "If you allow the devil into the church, he will mount the alter." In other words, once the devil is in place there is no telling the despicable things he will do.
That's what happened.
The Black establishment will not be satisfied until George Zimmerman is hung.
@ Anonymous
Posting a bounty on a person is a felony in all 50 states. Posting a bounty on a Judge, lawyer and/or police officer is a felony.
I hope they track you down and put your dumb @$$ in prison for this.
I had to publish the comment you refer to in order to see the link he referenced. After reading it, I removed the comment even though it seemed to be soliciting negative information on people I have no sumpathy for. That is not a tactic I agree with. As it was, the comment was up for less than 5 minutes. You happened to see it.
That's ok Gary. I knew there was a reason for you to publish that drivel.
Too many people put a bounty on the heads of those they hate. It is a felony and you can get life in prison.
There is no excuse for doing so. Murder is never the answer.
I guess I also wanted to get a fuller feel of what the bounty meant. I think he was soliciting negaive info on people. Either way, not something I want to get involved in.
Here we go again Siarlys. Please check out the word "Metaphor" .
Squid: Please explain what "guillotine" stands in place of by way of "metaphor." Particularly when you are seeing and raising "block wardens."
You are all being hysterical. Holder is opening an investigation. So far he hasn't turned up anything, and I doubt if he will either. I suspect the president has already told him we're not going to prosecute. After putting on this cathartic show, he will quietly let the matter drop. You can bet there won't be any press conference to do so.
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