
Friday, July 12, 2013

A Message From the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism

Hat tip OCITF

My friends over at the OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism have sent out an open letter to the campus activists who are always trying to deligitimize Israel. Maybe they should pay more attention to what is happening in their own back yards.

Like Syria, for example.

Well said, OCITF. It is getting a little tiresome watching all these college students and their radical professors, many of whom come from these backward hell-holes to begin with, lecturing us and the Israelis on human rights when they don't know the first thing about human rights. How many times do we listen to these characters get up on their soapboxes and whining about Israel and the US when their own countries of origen are burning, women are being raped, and people are being beheaded?

We have a word for it: Hypocrisy.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

The Task Force featured, aside from the gruesome statistics, a story about a 14 year old executed in public and apparently in front of his parents. If you Google "syrian rebel leader execution" you will get close to 300 stories like this ( some are duplicated because different news agencies report on the same event.). I can't figure out whether it is 300 stories or 300 pages of these and related stories.

I understand that there are about 750,000 (!) Syrian refugees in Jordan now. I think it is only a country of about 6 million. The refugees are living in tents without running water for sanitation.

Is the MSU doing anything for them or are they entirely dedicated to Jew Hatred?