
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yet Another Scandal at State

Looks like the whistle blowers are on a rampage giving damaging info to the media that are revealing the incompetence and corruption in our government agencies. Here is the latest from the NY Post about State Department hiring problems.

Keep in mind now that all this insanity was going on under Hillary Clinton's reign at the State Department. She, of course, is being hailed by some as the greatest secretary of State in our history simply because she set a world record for most countries visited even though she accomplished nothing and failed miserably when it came to a little place on the map called Benghazi.

In addition, Hillary is the odds-on bet to be the Democratic candidate for president in 2016.

Because she is so competent.

"That all happened at the assistant secretary level and below."


Miggie said...

She did earn a lot of frequent flyer miles but I don't know anyone who can articulate the US foreign policy under her leadership or name a single foreign policy success during that period. No new democracies were formed; no Muslim country became more democratic; we acquired no new friendly allies; we alienated friendly countries; and as a whole ran it like the clueless amateurs both Obama and Clinton are.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, you're right that she is running for president. The woman I circulated nominating papers for, to be the Democratic challenger to Wott Scalker in the recall, just broadcast an email endorsing her, and that doesn't happen unless The Candidate is calling on all her forces to start the drum roll. I did a reply saying "No way." but campaign organizations don't read reply email.

As for the whistle blowers though, there is a point at which one begins to suspect that whistleblowers are about as reliable as jailhouse snitches. That's too bad, because there is a valid role for whistleblowers. But just because someone blows a whistle doesn't mean they are telling the truth.

Are some telling the truth? Probably. Are all telling the truth? Probably not. How significant are the actual truths being blown? Hard to tell, unless of course you have a dot you want to connect, and can squeeze an unverified report into your work of art.

Gary Fouse said...


We have 4 dead Americans in benghazi or is unverified as well?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

What are you saying the four dead Americans in Benghazi proves Gary?

Gary Fouse said...


4 dead Americans. Connect that dot to the dots before their deaths when Stevens and the RSO were pleading in vain for more security. Connect that dot to the fact for 7-8 hours, our military failed to send anyone to benghazi. Connecdt that dot to the lies and coverups about a video. To me it proves that H Clinton was negligent, a liar, or fantastically incompetent and has no business being president.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I agree she has no business being president, but I knew that in 2008. That's why I voted for Barack Obama, especially after John Edwards showed he lacked the minimum degree of self control one expects of a president of the United States. (Can't have the president hiking the Appalachian Trail to Argentina while sending the Secret Service detail to Columbia).

But one of your dots connects to, oops, we had our priorities wrong, not to criminal malfeasance, and the other dots are unproven allegation, some of them rather dubious. One fact being true does not mean all other reports are therefore ipso facto true also.

Timothy McVeigh was guilty of murder. Does that mean that Richard Jewell was also?