Today's protests in Egypt have been truly amazing. It is too soon to be optimistic, but could Egypt actually be saved from becoming the next Iran? Unfortunately, the country still is in danger of becoming the next Syria.
-Atlas Shrugs via Twitpic
I urge the reader to go to the Muslim Brotherhood's English-language web site, Ikhwanweb (linked on this site) to see how they are in full Morsi/MB defense mode as they attack the protesters in print.
While it is refreshing to see the backlash against the government of Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, it now once again calls into question Obama's foreign policy. What does Team Obama do now? Do they defend Morsi or grease the skids for him? Keep in mind that his ambassador, Anne Patterson, just days ago urged Egyptians and particularly Coptic Christians, not to engage in the protests. The government needed to become stabilized, argued Patterson, or some such rot.
If Obama continues giving support to this government, then I will conclude beyond much doubt that he does favor an Islamist agenda in the Middle East.
Egypt bears very close watching. So does Obama. I bet he is going to come out of this looking very bad-as if he hasn't already.
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