"We'll get to the bottom of this."
Today's news roundup is full of good tidbits on the growing IRS scandal. Let's fill out a W-2 form for the IRS and connect a few dots.
First of all, we know that someone in the IRS's Cincinnati office has told congressional investigators that Washington was, indeed, involved in assigning conservative group cases to the Exempt Division field officials. We also know that the head of the Exempt Division, Lois (the 5th ) Lerner, signed off on at least one document.
Her Highness Lois V makes her royal exit from the House of Representatives
We also now learn that former acting IRS chief Doug Shulman's (the one who visited the White House over 150 times) significant other is a top adviser to a left-leaning campaign finance group.
Not only that, but PJMedia reports that said wife (Susan Anderson) has sent out tweets attacking the same groups that IRS was messing with.
The below tidbit may be more symbolic than anything, but an ABC news reporter told a Los Angeles radio talk show (McIntyre in the Morning) a couple of weeks ago that, in his opinion, the White House had to have authorized this whole mess. (Hat tip Gateway Pundit) If Obama is losing ABC, he's in big trouble (hat tip the late, great Jim Healy and John Speedie).
And if that wasn't enough, IRS is under fire for spending $50 million on conferences between 2010 and 2012.
I wonder if that included Shulman's taxi fares to and from the White House.
"Every day's a good day when you're below ground."
involved in assigning conservative group cases to the Exempt Division field officials
Well, duh-uh. ANY group claiming an exemption would be assigned to officials in that division... even for streamlined approval, which they weren't entitled to.
In other news, Gary Fouse's high school sweetheart's third cousin's ex-husband's grandfather's best friend in elementary school is suspected of having joined the Communist Party between 1933 and 1937.
Gary... there's no "there" there. There just isn't. You've cobbled together the most amazing cloud of dust from the tiniest irrelevancies.
I guess the Milwaukee Journal isn't covering this story, eh?
The Milwaukee Journal WAS the "liberal" paper. The Milwaukee Sentinel WAS the "conservative" paper. Neither one had the ad or subscriber base to stay in business, so they merged, and now they have this schizophrenic editorial page in which each wing takes turns run pro or anti Obama cartoons, ditto (in reverse) for Watt Scalker.
I get the most pointed, in-depth coverage of this issue from Fousesquawk. If you don't convince me, the schizophrenic local press won't either.
Facts showing culpability are what is lacking, in any media. The story is that Republicans are continuing to rant and rail about this, and that's news.
I did note that the Globe and the National Inquirer are rallying to your point of view.
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