
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Obama's New Picks

So President Obama has done it; he has named US Ambassador Susan Rice to be his new national security advisor. The same Susan Rice who told all those Sunday news shows that the Benghazi attack was a protest over a video that got out of control.

All I can say is she will fit right in with John Brennan and James Clapper.

And if that isn't bad enough, guess who will take Rice's place at the UN?

Mrs Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power, who advocated US intervention in Libya and is considered no friend of Israel.

Here is more from Fox News on Ms. Power's past statements:

Well, who did you expect, John Bolton?

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The U.S. needs an ambassador at the UN who will put the interests of the USA first, not subordinate American interests to the policies of the Israeli government. Yeah, its a sovereign state, they can elect whoever they want, and whoever they elect can set any policy they want, but we have no obligation to write them a blank check and back whatever they choose to do, uber alles.