
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Says "IRS" is Now Republican's New N-Word

MSNBC's British talking head, Martin Bashir, who apparently became an expert on America when he interviewed Michael Jackson, has now come out and said that when the Republicans complain about the IRS, they are actually just using the N-word by attacking "the black man in the White House".


Siarlys Jenkins said...

He makes about as much sense as Daryl Issa. They deserve each other.

elwood p suggins said...

I guess I always feared, if I did not actually know, that I was a closet racist. Now, Bashir has confirmed it.

Gary Fouse said...


Imagine being a racist because you think the IRS has been abusing its power. That's Martin Bashir.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I have to say this once in a while to reassure all you poor creatures who fear that you might be closet racists:

The primary motivation for the sad rump of the Republican Party to focus on looking for opportunities to trip up President Obama, rather than focusing on the business of the people of the United States, is not racism. It is a wounded sense of entitlement.

Anytime a Democrat is elected President, much less a liberal Democrat, much less a Democrat who tries to do anything new or different, the Republican soul (if there is one) cries out "No fair! It's our turn! We were supposed to have a century or more of uninterrupted domination! How did YOU get into the White House? That's not in the script! Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

There are many derogatory words that could be applied, starting with juvenile, but racist is not one of them.

Feel better now?

Miggie said...

The liberals play the race card as fast as the Muslims play the Islamophobia card.

It is the standard "go to" response if you can't defend the IRS going after the president's political enemies.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Miggie is obsessive. I assure him he's not a racist, and he moans about playing the race card. Of course I'm not a liberal, so my statement may not be entirely reassuring to him.

Really Miggie, you're not a racist, I keep trying to tell you, you're a misanthrope. You hate everyone, without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, gender... you are so even-handed you even hate your fellow Jews. Be content. You are not violating any nondiscrimination laws.

elwood p suggins said...

Siarlys--the bit about the soul sounded kinda like the agnostic's prayer.

The extreme overuse of the race/Islamaphobe things is about as lame as it gets.