
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Meanwhile, Up in Canada

Hat tip The Propagandist and Campus Reform

The problems with the various Muslim Student Associations on university campuses is not just in the US. Canadian universities are having the same problem. In this article in The Propagandist, and cross-posted in Campus Watch, Matthew Lau describes the shenanigans of the MSA at the University of Toronto.

What is particularly noteworthy here is that once again, we see how certain Muslim leaders who are celebrated as "moderates" (like Mattsen and Ramadan) have questionable connections. It takes very little scratching beneath the surface to uncover them, but our media will not go there. They leave it to private citizens and bloggers.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

After reading this article and the previous one, you have to wonder how long we will be so naieve to continue to downplay this and give them the benefi of the doubt.