
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Maryland Road Rage Killing: Is There More to the Story?

Joe Walker-charged                                                Joe Harvey-killed

There are a lot of news reports back East about a road rage incident that occurred in Maryland and involved a New Jersey policemen (shooter) who was en route back to New Jersey with his family.

I post this because yesterday, Sean Hannity had a couple of Mr Walker's colleagues on his show. They related the incident to Hannity as told them by Walker from his hospital bed.

The account I heard was that the other driver, Joseph Harvey, had swerved at Walker's car after being cut off and that Walker had flashed his badge at Harvey telling him that he was endangering his (Walker's ) family. Walker then parked his car on the side to check for damage, at which time he saw that Harvey had parked his vehicle up ahead and was advancing toward him with his passenger. According to the Walker version, he flashed his badge at the men, identified himself as a cop, told them to leave, then drew his weapon when the men kept advancing. Walker repeatedly identified himself as a cop and told the men they were endangering him and his family. The two men then looked at each other then charged Walker, at which time he fired his weapon. After experiencing chest pains, he was taken to a local hospital and handcuffed to his bed.

Let's don't rush to judgement on this one. Hopefully, the facts will come out.

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