
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Let's Play, "Name That Boozer!"

Hat tip The Sun and Daily Caller

Who is this wild, drunken party animal pictured below?

Anjem Choudary
a George W Bush at Yale

b Harry Reid in his college days

c Dean Martin in his college days

d Anjem Choudary in his college days

And the answer is......


"Take that down, Fousesquawk!"

Good thing I wasn't planning to ever visit England again.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Wasn't Osama bin Laden something of a drunken womanizing playboy before he "got religion"?

If these self-righteous characters ever did establish a caliphate in America, it would look very much like Robert A. Heinlein's If This Goes On..., which was a realistic portrayal of what would happen if a self-righteous Christian crusade ever established a government in the United States.

These religious fundamentalists are all alike... and have plenty of sins of the flesh to hide behind their righteous wrangling.