
Saturday, June 8, 2013

LA Times Article on Santa Monica Shooting

Hat tip Chris and Dianne

Uh oh.

The Santa Monica police have yet to release the name of the shooter, but it looks like the LA Times has let the cat out of the bag in identifying his father.,0,714070.story

"Firefighters would later find the bodies of two men inside the house. Police sources, who requested anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, said the men were Samir Zawahri, 55, the owner of the house, and one of his adult sons. A second son is suspected of being the shooter, the sources said."

So now we go to motive.

I guess the boys up at UC Berkeley's Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project better start drafting an article on the "inevitable backlash".

* Update: One source, The Spirit of Truth  reported (according to a commentor) that the Zawahri family is Orthodox Christian. If true, no need to worry about that backlash.

One shooting victim, a female in her 20s whose father was killed, was taken off life support today.


Nelly said...

Gary, the son/shooter's name is John Zawahri.

Most likely Christian Lebanese.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The two dead men were Salafists, and the shooter is one of those good Muslims Gary talks about, who couldn't take any more of this Salafist stuff being drummed into him?

(I don't think so, but if two victims have Arab names, one might seek something other than race or religion for why one of their own family killed them, then went on a random killing spree).

Gary Fouse said...


I updated my post. One source is reporting that the shooter is John Samir Zawahri and the family is Orthodox Christian.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

And that's about the last Gary has had to say on this shooting.