Mona Eltahawy
CNN's soft-spoken "moderate" Fareed Zakaria has hosted Mona Eltahawy, a natualized US citizen, who has a bit to learn about freedom of speech in this country, on his show. You will see why when you read the Breitbart article below.
I would be a little kinder with Mona given her record in Egypt, where she hails from. Mona has done some good things there.
However, her actions in the New York subway with the Geller posters mean she has much to learn about freedom of expression in this country. For her to use the term "racist' against Geller and her followers is silly. Islam is not a race. It includes adherents from many races. It is the supremist and totalitarian political ideology that Geller is fighting.
I also think it is absurd to compare Christian fundamentalists (whatever that means) with the Muslim Brotherhood. As to acts of violence, there is little to compare and virtually everything to contrast. The most egregious example of the former would probably be Pastor Terry Jones in Florida, with whose tactics I do not agree. What is his worst act? Burning a Koran. Compare that with the Brotherhood since its founding in 1928, which includes presidential assassinations in Egypt, both attempted and successful. As we speak, they are turning Egypt into another Iran.
As for Eltahawy's host, I trust this guy Zacaria about as far as I can throw him.
Watching Zakaria and CNN in general makes me want to puke. They are a parade of supposed intellectuals that want to put a good veneer over outrageous acts.
Geller is just pushing another brand of totalitarianism. She and the Brotherhood need each other.
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