
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So You Want to Send US Troops to Syria?

I am posting the most graphic version of this I can find. Most of the mainstream media outlets are reporting it while claiming that it has not been 100% confirmed. However, they are running with it, so they must feel it is authentic. It purports to show a known Syrian rebel leader cutting out the heart and liver of a dead Syrian soldier and taking a bite out of the heart.

"Takbir" (Victory)

"Allahu Akhbar" (God is great)

And you want to send American soldiers into Syria?
And you want to support these people?
Perhaps, you want to flood the US with Syrians fleeing this war?

I say no. Aside from the innocent civilians, there are no good guys and bad guys anymore.

I say stand back and forget about it. I don't want one American life sacrificed to this madness. We have lost four Americans to this savagery in Libya. That is four too many.

And I say we need to stop importing this barbarism into the US.


Nelly said...

The last time I checked Gary, the only politicians who want to send US troops into Syria are Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham.

And what about the nearly 5000 US troops that have died in Iraq, sent there by Republican president George W. Bush over some phony WMD's?

Gary Fouse said...


Then I disagree with them. At this point I didn't even think we should supply arms to the rebels.

As for Bush and Iraq, he didn't invent the intelligence that Iraq had wmds. Every intelligence service agreed they did.