
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Report: ICE Released Hundreds of Illegal Aliens With Criminal Records

Memo to Obama administration: Slow down. I can't keep up with you.

                                         Janet Napolitano - 2010 Fousesquawk "Jerk of the Year"

That's because the scandals are coming fast and furious (no pun intended). Read below what dim bulb Janet Napolitano's ICE has been doing.

"The department then "re-apprehended" 24 of those, the senators said, after realizing the "seriousness" of their 
crimes. "

You call that competence?


Miggie said...

This administration has been a nightmare! An left wing ideological amateur who can give a good speech at a time when half the population is semi-literate and on the dole spells disaster. Not only on the domestic front but internationally. They are the worst practitioners of political favoritism (using the IRS) and know no bounds... of law (Fast and Furious) or propriety (see
or of any loyalty or competence (Benghazi and Ft. Hood Whitewash)

Now this attempt to fix this additional screw-up that started with a political agenda by trying to re-arrest the prisoners). If this country had anything like a "vote of confidence" by rights they would be back on their soap boxes preaching Marxist doctrine.

Findalis said...

Not criminal records, future Democrat voters.

elwood p suggins said...

I am with Miggie. I am about ready to go back to voter literacy tests. something like we do with
naturalizing citizens. Seems to me would be much more similar than different.

These would not be racially discriminatory as they were judged to be in the past. As Miggie notes, there is quite enough (white) illiteracy/ignorance out there among libs/Dems these days to go around.

Miggie said...

We are all in accord on this one. It is 11 million plus votes more for the Democrats, as Findalis says. We should really be granting citizenship to the kind of professionals and skilled workers that are in our national interest, as elwood says.

I think the citizenship laws changed last with Ted Kennedy's stewardship through Congress... and that "legal" citizenship has been disastrous. Illegal "citizenship" is several magnitudes worse.

elwood p suggins said...

Cynical un-American Communist spy (at least per Siarlys) Elwood back again.

Anyway you cut this one, it is pretty bad. Thanks to bi/multi-lingual ballots, many residents, illegal or otherwise, are already fraudulently and illegally voting prior to becoming citizens. I can think of no other justification for these ballots. I say this on two fronts.

First, it is a mystery to me how many, if in fact any, native-born citizens for whom English is a second language can be born here, raised here, usually go to school here, and somehow get by in everyday life for at least 18 years without picking up enough English, by osmosis if no other way, to be able to read a name on a ballot, and if that does occur it is shameful indeed. Accordingly, these ballots cannot be for them.

Second, with some exceptions mainly involving individuals who are older and have been here a long time (and who should have gotten enough English as described above to be able to read at least a little bit), there is an English language requirement, however minimal, involving reading, writing, and speaking English in order to be a candidate for naturalization. Again, if this requirement is not just a hollow exercise, surely anyone wanting the great boon of U.S. citizenship should be prepared to read a simple name on a ballot. If not, it is again shameful, and toughies to them. So, these ballots cannot be for them either.

So, perhaps in a Holmesian procedure, what remains is that such ballots are for those non-English readers/writers/speakers who are here and who have not been through either of the above processes. Which means that, by definition, they are aliens/non-citizens. And they ARE voting.