
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mass. State Senator Wants the Feds to Bury Tsarnaev

That means the tax-payers

So no cemetery wants to accept the body of Tamarlan Tsarnaev? A Massachusetts state senator has the solution. The federal government must step in.

Well, why not? The tax payers funded this creep and his grifter family's existence in the US to the tune of about $100,000. Let's all chip in and give him a grand sendoff. The next we hear is that this ibn sharmota is being laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.


elwood p suggins said...

This is something like Congresswoman Bass (I believe it was) wanting the government to compel forgiveness of student loans, which would ultimately cost taxpayers in one way or another, but the concept is even worse, no??

Findalis said...

I wonder which VA Cemetary he will be buried at.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Its a matter of public health that the body must be buried somewhere. The feds don't have to spend our money paying for it, but they might have to insist that cemeteries are there to bury dead bodies. Where is Al Capone buried? John Dillinger? Bonnie and Clyde?

One could say, cremation is good enough for this creep. But, I would hesitate to set a precedent that the government can dictate to any family that their departed MUST be cremated, particularly if it offends religious sensibilities. If we can do that to Tsarnaev, we could do it to, oh, Jews, Catholics, elwood, Coptic Christian immigrant felonsva...

Findalis said...

They could always bury him in Potter's Field.

Anonymous said...

Ask Woo from "Deadwood" how to solve this problem.