
Monday, May 13, 2013

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Christians

In Saudi Arabia at least

Is this even news anymore? Yet another example of religious intolerance in the Middle East. And nowhere is it more intolerant than in Saudi Arabia (our trusty ally).

Keep in mind folks, this is where we send our money for oil. In return, the Saudis fund the most radical, Wahhabist mosques and schools in the US, as well as fund the creation of Middle East studies departments in our universities, infested with radicals whose main duty is advocating for the destruction of Israel.

Oh yes, they also give money to terrorists.

But we can't stop buying oil from the Saudis because we can't drill for it here at home. The environment, you know.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

You are so right. We need to really push solar electric, wind, and other renewables to break our dependence on Saudi oil.

elwood p suggins said...

Oh please, let me at one of those electric cars which will go a whopping 40 miles on a charge.

That way, we can burn even more fossil fuel (not much solar at night) to charge them up overnight, which of course will increase both day and nighttime demand and run up the price of electricity even more than it already is.

Pie in the sky, Siarlys. CAN'T WAIT!!!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

elwood is as usual long on rhetoric and short on facts. Coal fired power plants have their own problems, but coal doesn't come from Saudi Arabia, it comes from West Virginia and Wyoming.

Most daily commutes are under 40 miles round trip, even with a stop at the grocery store. My last regular daily commute was 13 miles round trip.

Solar power is most available during what power companies plan for as peak demand time, which reduces the capacity power plants have to be built for. At night, because its VERY uneconomical to shut the plants down, they run, but at low power and VERY inefficiently. So, having millions of cars charging up at night would sop up that wasted capacity and generate a bit of revenue, while charging the cars at low rate off-peak hours. By the way, the electric charge costs about 2 cents per mile, and produces less pollution even from a coal fired power plant than running a car. My tiny little fuel-efficient car costs 10-15 cents a mile in gas along, and big bad luxury cars more than that.

Windmills, as you may have forgotten, tend to get a lot of speed up at night, not every night, but many nights, so that can help too.

What it takes is grit, determination, coordination, technical know-how, all the things that once made America great, but of course, un-American cynics like you have no faith in American know-how any more. I bet you're a communist spy under deep cover spreading dissatisfaction and sabotage.