Omar Bakri
"The prophet (Mohammad) said an infidel and his killer will not meet in Hell. That's a beautiful saying," he said. "May God reward (Adebolajo) for his actions."
I hope MSNBC's Chris Hayes and Martin Bashir, who seem to think the two killers of that British soldier were nothing more than a couple of liquor store robbers, will read this article. Below is an interview of Islamic cleric Omar Bakri-now in Lebanon after being kicked out of Britain. He knew one of the killers and gave hearty praise for their "courageous deed."
Yes, Chris and Martin; there is a war on terror, and we'd better fight it because whether you realize it or not, it is sure fighting us.
So dealing heroin is a political act, not mere thuggery, as long as some rich kingpin who donates to art museums is at the top of the pyramid?
I note that the cleric's paraphrase is rather ambiguous about who will be in hell. The Onion did a fine piece on that after 9/2001.
Saying we have a "War on Terrorism" is like saying after Pearl Harbor that we have a war on sneak attacks.
We are at war with Islamic Extremists. Terror is simply the strategy they choose to use.
We MUST call it what it is. Otherwise, others not at all involved in this, every gas station holdup, will be called an act of terrorism. And Islamic Extremist terror attacks will go undisclosed.
This particular Islamic cleric and those like him are the ones who gives permission and legitimacy to the atrocities.
Good point Miggie!
One wonders how many of these cleric types preach in the mosques in the U.S.
Doesn't exactly remind you of kindly old Father Flanagan at Boys Town, does it?
Miggie is correct about the "War on Terror" label. Its absurd. But I would say we are at war with al Qaeda and its useful idiots. I find the word "extremist" to be an epithet without a meaning, whether left, right, center, or ultra-other. And Islam shouldn't be used without a significant qualifier, unless you've decided we need to exterminate a billion and a half people just to be on the safe side. If you want something broader than al Qaeda, we could try Salafism, although not all Salafists use paramilitary methods, or jihadis, although not all concepts of jihad involve warfare. Ideally, I'd say we are at war against fanatical religious theocrats, who at present seem attracted to certain schools of Islam, but keep an eye on the ultra-orthodox Jews and the Aryan Nations Christians.
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