
Saturday, May 18, 2013

In Egypt, the War on Christians Continues

Here's one for the files of the UC Berkeley Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project. In Luxor, Egypt, a Coptic Christian female teacher is on trial for blaspheming Islam in her classroom.

This, of course, is one of many cases in Egypt and other countries in the Islamic world. Many of these cases are manufactured by people with an ax to grind against the defendant. This is a weapon being used against Egypt's Coptic Christian community.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Look Gary! It is Islamophobia, not Jewphobia or Christianphobia, Buddaphobia, Hinduphobia or Bahaiphobia. Gee, maybe I coulds get a chair position at UCI to set-up a department of Jewphobia. After all the FBI has identified that Hate crime against Jews is ten-fold more that Muslim hate crime. I will have to call Dr. Drake right away.
