
Saturday, May 25, 2013

David Wood's Response to David Cameron and Boris Johnson

David Wood is an anti-Jihadist activist who runs the blog, "Answering Muslims". In this video below, he responds to the obligatory pronouncements of British Prime Minister David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson that the horrific slaughter of British soldier Lee Rigby had absolutely nothing to do with Islam. How does Wood do this? He merely shows the words of one of the killers who told us why they did it and even quoted the relevant verses  from the Koran (Sura 9).

We all know why Cameron and Johnson have to make such silly statements, don't we? But let's be honest; we are making the same statements here in the US. President George W Bush made similar statements after 9-11. President Obama has made them. Now, in the wake of the British atrocity and the Boston atrocity, we have to listen to MSNBC hosts like Chris Hayes and Martin Bashir make them. We can't simply take the words of that Nigerian fellow with the meat clever and hatchet in his bloody hands explaining why they committed such a horrific act. We can't accept the words of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev scrawled on the inside of a boat in which he was hiding and waiting for his (he thought) imminent death as to why he and his brother set off bombs in Boston. Under our law, we might even consider that a dying declaration and admissible in a court of law if it had incriminated someone else and had any prosecutorial value.

All David Wood had to do was play the killer's words and show the texts he was referring to. As they might say in Olde England, "Elementary, my dear Watson". But for some reason, we the public are not supposed to know the truth. That translates into us not having the right to know the threat we face when we walk down a London street or attend a marathon in Boston.

Some months ago, right here in Orange County, we had a young Muslim man go on a killing spree before killing himself. The last we heard, police had recovered a suicide note from his computer that indicated that  the attack was pre-meditated. Have we ever learned what the words were and the motive for his attack?

No. The trail ends there.

Let's be honest: Our government is not taking sufficient steps to protect us-just as the British government is not taking steps to protects its subjects. If a natural threat like a tornado is approaching, the people are warned to take shelter. If a country is dangerous to travel to, the US State Department puts out a travel alert to the public. If a prisoner breaks out of prison, nearby residents are advised to lock their doors. If sharks are spotted near a beach, swimmers are told to stay out of the water.

But if there is an ideology out there walking around in our own countries and being preached from certain pulpits, we don't have the right to know about it? David Cameron, in effect, has told the Brits that the water is safe for swimming.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

What exactly would be your recommended "steps to protect us" Gary? Surely you have something more substantive in mind than reversing the talking points?