"They can run, but they can't hide."
How's that hunt for the killers going, President Obama?
Remember how the president told us they would leave no stone unturned in bringing the Benghazi killers to justice?
Here's my theory given the scandal brewing at home; this administration doesn't want the killers caught. That means they might talk. Obama and Clinton already have their hands full with at least three whistle blowers.
Obama lied, 4 men died.
Obama and H Clinton lied and 4 men died. The blood is on their hands.
What are you proposing? That we send a military team into a sovereign nation and kidnap a few of their citizens?
Even if that is justified, and it might be, its a COVERT OPERATION. Presidents don't talk about it in public. "If you are caught the department will deny all knowledge of you." Patriots with any sense of discernment don't bait the president to lay it out on the table.
You ought to understand that Gary. Former DEA, n'est-ce pas? I know, you didn't get to work like that... er, not to be recognized for it anyway.
Oh, Findalis is trying to be a poet. I haven't heard any of you rabble claiming that a lie CAUSED four deaths. I've only heard you claiming someone lied ABOUT the four deaths and what was or wasn't done about them. What's up?
Did the Cubs lose again today?
Are you guys saying that these people died as a result of lies told by Obama and Clinton?
If you are referring to my invoking the old phrase, Obama and Clinton lied and 4 men died" let me clarify.
What I am saying is that 4 men died because the State Department refused repeated requests for more security at benghazi. I also believe two of them (the Seals) could have been saved had our leaders sent in help that could have gotten there in time to save them.
The lies have come after the event.
How about 4 men died and Obama and Clinton lied?
Well Gary, now you have an internally consistent, logical construct. As a language teacher, you can be proud of that, although its the minimum expected of someone holding your position.
There may even have been some after the fact lying. I've said from the beginning that it was poor judgement for the administration to go into defensive mode, even during an election campaign, instead of admitting "We don't know exactly what happened, a lot of snap judgements were made in a moving situation, we're sorting out all the intelligence now."
Of course, with very well funded vultures TRYING to make an instant scandal ex machina out of it, more concerned with "can this embarrass the president and knock him down a few points in the polls" than "what happened to our ambassador," one can understand this sort of panic. It was still poor judgment. Its not a scandal of significant proportions.
(I don't know how the Cubs did today. I only look at the standings once in a while, and you've mentioned they're not at the top of their division, so no great excitement there. I did see them win a game against the Brewers last year.)
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