Hat tip Atlas Shrugs
This is a classic case of what happens on college campuses. The College Republicans at Portland State University show the film "Obsession" (critical of Islam) in a public venue on campus. Muslim students and their socialist student allies take over the post- film discussion, bully the College Republicans to leave, begin their own discussion, and then have a campus cop kick out a man who was filming. Atlas Shrugs has the report and the video.
Where are the lawyers? This problem is recurring over and over again.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Dianne Feinstein Responds
Back around February, I sent a letter to Dianne Feinstein on the issue of gun control.
Today, I get this e-mail.
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Here is a similar letter from Feinstein to a friend in February, which I posted at the time. |
Dear (name withheld)
Thank you for contacting me to share your opposition to assault weapons legislation. I respect your opinion on this important issue and welcome the opportunity to provide my point of view.
Mass shootings are a serious problem in our country, and I have watched this problem get worse and worse over the 40 years I have been in public life. From the 1966 shooting rampage at the University of Texas that killed 14 people and wounded 32 others, to the Newtown massacre that killed 20 children and 6 school teachers and faculty, I have seen more and more of these killings. I have had families tell me that they no longer feel safe in a mall, in a movie theater, in their business, and in other public places, because these deadly weapons are so readily available. These assault weapons too often fall into the hands of grievance killers, juveniles, gangs, and the deranged.
I recognize that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to bear arms, but I do not believe that right is unlimited or that it precludes taking action to prevent mass shootings. Indeed, in the same Supreme Court decision that recognized the individual right to bear arms, District of Columbia v. Heller, the Court also held that this right, like other constitutional rights, is not unlimited. That is why assault weapons bans have consistently been upheld in the courts, both before and after the Heller decision. I believe regulation of these weapons is appropriate.
Once again, thank you for your letter. Although we may disagree, I appreciate hearing from you and will be mindful of your thoughts as the debate on this issue continues. If you have any additional comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.
Comment: It looks like the form letter has been slightly revised.
June 6 is Coming
For those of you who don't know who Dr. Bill Warner is, check out politicalislam.com.
I have been receiving e-mails from several contacts about June 6, which is normally commemorating as the date of the D-Day landings at Normandy that led to the defeat of Nazism and liberation of Europe from German occupation. There is a movement to use that day as one in which bloggers and other social media will post messages on what they think of Islam. This comes in the wake of the horrific murder of a British soldier by two Muslims in London and our own Boston Marathon attack.
I have decided after some thought to participate in this effort on this site. I confess that both the above incidents have affected me and I feel the need to become more militant, if that is the correct word.
I have already started on the draft because I have a lot to say, and I want to say it as effectively as I can. In the meantime, this is my way of spreading the word.
Below is a message from Bill Warner, a counter jihad activist in Tennessee.
I have been receiving e-mails from several contacts about June 6, which is normally commemorating as the date of the D-Day landings at Normandy that led to the defeat of Nazism and liberation of Europe from German occupation. There is a movement to use that day as one in which bloggers and other social media will post messages on what they think of Islam. This comes in the wake of the horrific murder of a British soldier by two Muslims in London and our own Boston Marathon attack.
I have decided after some thought to participate in this effort on this site. I confess that both the above incidents have affected me and I feel the need to become more militant, if that is the correct word.
I have already started on the draft because I have a lot to say, and I want to say it as effectively as I can. In the meantime, this is my way of spreading the word.
Below is a message from Bill Warner, a counter jihad activist in Tennessee.
From Bill Warner:
Speak Your Mind About Islam Day: Thursday, June 6, 2013
Just this past week we were shocked to witness, in broad daylight, on London streets, the ambush and barbaric murder of Lee Rigby, a British soldier, husband, and father of a young child. Lee was ambushed by two men, one of whom spoke directly to the camera afterwards. This man made it clear that his motivations were based upon Islam and the numerous verses in the Quran that call for violence against non-Muslims.
Afterward, individual citizens from the UK and around the world flooded social media with their sentiments about Islam, the false narrative that it is a "Religion of Peace" and the blatant falsehood put forth by Prime Minister Cameron that the teachings of Islam had nothing to do with this brutal assassination. Several citizens have since been arrested by the government of Great Britain for comments they made under the influence of grief and anger. These actions by the government are an attempt to suppress free speech and must not be tolerated. We ask that you stand with these persecuted individuals as a unified people.
In response to the British government's attempts to suppress free speech, we wish to declare Thursday, June 6th, 2013 "Speak Your Mind About Islam Day". June 6th is a day of great significance for the free peoples of the world.
In the 1940's, American, Australian, Brit, Canadian, Frenchman, Indian, Russian, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh and countless others were bound together by the common goal of eradicating forever the vile ideology of Nazism. On June 6th, 1944, segments of these diverse allied forces bound together and stormed Fortress Europe marking the beginning of the end of the ideology of Nazism as a force among men.
Let June 6, 2013 once again be that day for us.
On Thursday, June 6th, 2013 we ask that you flood social media with your thoughts on and knowledge of Islam as a clear and unmistakable message to our governments around the world that we will NOT be silenced by blasphemy laws, statutes on "community cohesion", or threats and acts of intimidation carried out by our governments in an attempt to silence us on the issue of Islam and its undeniable ties to religiously motivated acts of terror around the world. Our overwhelming numbers and unified voice must make it clear that we will become increasingly UNGOVERNABLE, without becoming violent, on the issue of Islamic terror. An assault on one will be treated as an assault upon us all; we will stand together as one voice. Political careers will pay a price at the polls for the condescending act of telling us that Islam is what we all know it is not.
Rules of Conduct:
1. Keep it civilized - nothing positive comes from mob-like behavior.
2. Focus on the ideology of Islam, not individuals.
3. No profanity or ad hominem attacks - they cause people to tune out the message because of the messenger.
4. The goal is to unite us, garner group support for the cause, and put our governments on notice that we will not be silenced.
Please share this now with every blogger and social media group you know about.
Speak Your Mind About Islam Day: Thursday, June 6, 2013
Just this past week we were shocked to witness, in broad daylight, on London streets, the ambush and barbaric murder of Lee Rigby, a British soldier, husband, and father of a young child. Lee was ambushed by two men, one of whom spoke directly to the camera afterwards. This man made it clear that his motivations were based upon Islam and the numerous verses in the Quran that call for violence against non-Muslims.
Afterward, individual citizens from the UK and around the world flooded social media with their sentiments about Islam, the false narrative that it is a "Religion of Peace" and the blatant falsehood put forth by Prime Minister Cameron that the teachings of Islam had nothing to do with this brutal assassination. Several citizens have since been arrested by the government of Great Britain for comments they made under the influence of grief and anger. These actions by the government are an attempt to suppress free speech and must not be tolerated. We ask that you stand with these persecuted individuals as a unified people.
In response to the British government's attempts to suppress free speech, we wish to declare Thursday, June 6th, 2013 "Speak Your Mind About Islam Day". June 6th is a day of great significance for the free peoples of the world.
In the 1940's, American, Australian, Brit, Canadian, Frenchman, Indian, Russian, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh and countless others were bound together by the common goal of eradicating forever the vile ideology of Nazism. On June 6th, 1944, segments of these diverse allied forces bound together and stormed Fortress Europe marking the beginning of the end of the ideology of Nazism as a force among men.
Let June 6, 2013 once again be that day for us.
On Thursday, June 6th, 2013 we ask that you flood social media with your thoughts on and knowledge of Islam as a clear and unmistakable message to our governments around the world that we will NOT be silenced by blasphemy laws, statutes on "community cohesion", or threats and acts of intimidation carried out by our governments in an attempt to silence us on the issue of Islam and its undeniable ties to religiously motivated acts of terror around the world. Our overwhelming numbers and unified voice must make it clear that we will become increasingly UNGOVERNABLE, without becoming violent, on the issue of Islamic terror. An assault on one will be treated as an assault upon us all; we will stand together as one voice. Political careers will pay a price at the polls for the condescending act of telling us that Islam is what we all know it is not.
Rules of Conduct:
1. Keep it civilized - nothing positive comes from mob-like behavior.
2. Focus on the ideology of Islam, not individuals.
3. No profanity or ad hominem attacks - they cause people to tune out the message because of the messenger.
4. The goal is to unite us, garner group support for the cause, and put our governments on notice that we will not be silenced.
Please share this now with every blogger and social media group you know about.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Welcome News: Muslims Fighting Anti-Semitism
Hat tip Algemeiner
Amid all the bad news coming out of the Muslim world and its diaspora, here is some refreshing news from Algemeiner about a small group of Muslims who support Israel and are fighting Islamic anti-Semitism.
I know; it's just a handful of brave men. Nevertheless, they should be supported. At least, I feel somewhat better just learning that such people are out there.
Yeah, I know. I know what you are going to say.
Amid all the bad news coming out of the Muslim world and its diaspora, here is some refreshing news from Algemeiner about a small group of Muslims who support Israel and are fighting Islamic anti-Semitism.
I know; it's just a handful of brave men. Nevertheless, they should be supported. At least, I feel somewhat better just learning that such people are out there.
Yeah, I know. I know what you are going to say.
Sex Grooming in the UK
Hat tip Vlad Tepes
Russia Today is a Russian English language network. Interestingly, they feature a lot of in-depth coverage you won't find on many Western news outlets. In this news report below, RT covers the on-going and decades-long problem of sexual grooming in the UK. This involves cases where Muslim men take advantage of young, British girls, drug them, and use them for sex rings. There is currently a case on-going in Oxford, but it is hardly an isolated case. To make matters worse, British authorities and the media are reluctant to cover it for fear of being labeled racist or Islamophobic. In this report, two journalists who have researched the problem are interviewed.
Russia Today is a Russian English language network. Interestingly, they feature a lot of in-depth coverage you won't find on many Western news outlets. In this news report below, RT covers the on-going and decades-long problem of sexual grooming in the UK. This involves cases where Muslim men take advantage of young, British girls, drug them, and use them for sex rings. There is currently a case on-going in Oxford, but it is hardly an isolated case. To make matters worse, British authorities and the media are reluctant to cover it for fear of being labeled racist or Islamophobic. In this report, two journalists who have researched the problem are interviewed.
One Fine Day in Minnesota
Hat tip Creeping Sharia
And a big hat tip to our State Department, which saw fit to bring in about 80,000 Somali refugees back in the 1990s. Many wound up in Minnesota, where they are now branching out into gangs, recruits for al Shabaab, and just ordinary street thugs. On Sunday, 6 or 7 of them attacked a couple of joggers.
Send all inquiries to the State Department.
And a big hat tip to our State Department, which saw fit to bring in about 80,000 Somali refugees back in the 1990s. Many wound up in Minnesota, where they are now branching out into gangs, recruits for al Shabaab, and just ordinary street thugs. On Sunday, 6 or 7 of them attacked a couple of joggers.
Send all inquiries to the State Department.
Wasting Student Government Time at UC Beserkley
Hat tip Daily Californian and Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers
Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers is running a report from the Daily Californian (UC Berkeley newspaper) that the student judicial council has declared parts of the divestment bill regarding Israel is unconstitutional, violates by-laws, blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.
Look, this entire exercise about divesting from companies that do business with Israel is symbolic and being ignored by the University of California campuses. It is all one big waste of time, energy and effort. However, many of the student governments in the UC system are now dominated by the pro-Palestinian activists, so this is what they do. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the number one hot button issue on college campuses across the country because of this organized activism by the Palestinian lobby.
Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers is running a report from the Daily Californian (UC Berkeley newspaper) that the student judicial council has declared parts of the divestment bill regarding Israel is unconstitutional, violates by-laws, blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.
Look, this entire exercise about divesting from companies that do business with Israel is symbolic and being ignored by the University of California campuses. It is all one big waste of time, energy and effort. However, many of the student governments in the UC system are now dominated by the pro-Palestinian activists, so this is what they do. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the number one hot button issue on college campuses across the country because of this organized activism by the Palestinian lobby.
Major News Outlets Refuse Holder Offer of "Off-the-Record" Meeting
Most of the major news media networks are declining Eric Holder's invitation to meet off the record over the media communication warrants and subpoenas carried out by Holder's Justice Department. ABC apparently, will accept the condition and attend.
Holder apparently thinks he can charm and cajole most of the media, which heretofore had been wholly supportive of the administration. The question is, what does Holder have to hide that he wants it off the record?
Handsome Henry Waxman Still Touring That Plant in El Segundo
"Tax me, Henry. Tax me."
Back in February, I dutifully reported off of Handsome Henry Waxman's own congressional website that he had taken a tour in January of some plant in El Segundo, which for the benefit of all you UC Santa Cruz History of Consciousness and Community Studies majors, is a town just south of LA on the beach.
It appears that this is the greatest thing he has done in his long career at the public trough in Congress because as of today, the picture is still on his website.

"When are you gonna take me to El Segundo, Henry?"
Let's Play, "What the Hell Happened This Month in Britain?"
Celebrity edition

"Introducing today's celebrity contestant. Please welcome former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney!"

"So tell us, Cynthia, what have you been doing since you left Congress?"
"I'm studying for my PhD at Antioch College, Bob."

"How do you like it there?"
"It's great, Bob. I haven't seen one single Jew on campus yet. Say, you aren't a Jew are you?"
"Uh, no. Well, are you ready for the one-hundred dollar question?"
"I am."
"And which charity are you playing for, Cynthia?"
"That would be Viva Palestina, Bob."
"Who the Hell are they?"
"You don't wanna know."
"OK. For one hundred dollars, what the Hell happened this month in Britain?"
a Yvonne Ridley was signed as goalkeeper for Manchester United
b British police arrested 10 people for tweeting negative comments about Muslims.
c A British soldier was murdered in London
d b and c
"Can I call a friend?"
"Who do you want to call?'
"Professor Hatem Bazian."
"Who the Hell is he?"
"He is the director of the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at the University of California at Berkeley."
Audience: "Oooooooh."
"Hello. IRDP. Bazian speaking."
"Hey Hatem. This is Cynthia. What the hell happened this month in Britain?"
"Just a minute. I'll pull up the files. ........Yes, here it is. The answer is 'b'"
"Thanks, Hatem. By the way, when are we going to do another speaking gig....?
"I'll go with b, Bob."
"Oh, so close. Actually, the answer is "b' and 'c'. However, as a consolation prize, please accept this lovely bouquet."

"Introducing today's celebrity contestant. Please welcome former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney!"
"So tell us, Cynthia, what have you been doing since you left Congress?"
"I'm studying for my PhD at Antioch College, Bob."
"How do you like it there?"
"It's great, Bob. I haven't seen one single Jew on campus yet. Say, you aren't a Jew are you?"
"Uh, no. Well, are you ready for the one-hundred dollar question?"
"I am."
"And which charity are you playing for, Cynthia?"
"That would be Viva Palestina, Bob."
"Who the Hell are they?"
"You don't wanna know."
"OK. For one hundred dollars, what the Hell happened this month in Britain?"
a Yvonne Ridley was signed as goalkeeper for Manchester United
b British police arrested 10 people for tweeting negative comments about Muslims.
c A British soldier was murdered in London
d b and c
"Can I call a friend?"
"Who do you want to call?'
"Professor Hatem Bazian."
"Who the Hell is he?"
"He is the director of the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at the University of California at Berkeley."
Audience: "Oooooooh."
"Hello. IRDP. Bazian speaking."
"Hey Hatem. This is Cynthia. What the hell happened this month in Britain?"
"Just a minute. I'll pull up the files. ........Yes, here it is. The answer is 'b'"
"Thanks, Hatem. By the way, when are we going to do another speaking gig....?
"I'll go with b, Bob."
"Oh, so close. Actually, the answer is "b' and 'c'. However, as a consolation prize, please accept this lovely bouquet."
British Shame
"We all live in a yellow submarine"
-The Beatles

Photo-Daily Mail (UK)
Someone in Britain has a lot of explaining to do in the case of the two Nigerian men who butchered a British soldier on a London street. One of the killers, Michael Adebelajo was picked up in Kenya in 2010 and reportedly released back to British authorities upon British request.
In addition, there is this video uncovered by the Daily Mail of Adebelajo speaking before a crowd on September 11, 2009, the 8th anniversary of 9-11.
Meanwhile, about a dozen Brits have been taken into custody on various hate speech charges for expressing their outrage over the murders via tweets and other social media. In fact, just in the last 24 hours, British police had to evacuate hate monger and associate of Adebelajo, Anjem Choudary, along with his family, from his government-paid-for residence to protect them from angry crowds.
Why is it that people like Adebelajo and Choudary can spout such venom in public in front of crowds and get away with it while ordinary Brits who express their outrage at such behavior-not to mention the horrific murder itself-are arrested?
-The Beatles
Photo-Daily Mail (UK)
Someone in Britain has a lot of explaining to do in the case of the two Nigerian men who butchered a British soldier on a London street. One of the killers, Michael Adebelajo was picked up in Kenya in 2010 and reportedly released back to British authorities upon British request.
In addition, there is this video uncovered by the Daily Mail of Adebelajo speaking before a crowd on September 11, 2009, the 8th anniversary of 9-11.
Meanwhile, about a dozen Brits have been taken into custody on various hate speech charges for expressing their outrage over the murders via tweets and other social media. In fact, just in the last 24 hours, British police had to evacuate hate monger and associate of Adebelajo, Anjem Choudary, along with his family, from his government-paid-for residence to protect them from angry crowds.
Why is it that people like Adebelajo and Choudary can spout such venom in public in front of crowds and get away with it while ordinary Brits who express their outrage at such behavior-not to mention the horrific murder itself-are arrested?
In Toronto, a Sun News Employee Is Told Her Dress Is Offensive
Hat tip Sun News
No comment needed here.
Perhaps, the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UC Berkeley would like to stick this one in their files.
No comment needed here.
Perhaps, the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UC Berkeley would like to stick this one in their files.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Eric Holder Praises IG
“Together, you’ve strengthened our ability to protect the safety and the sacred rights of our fellow citizens. And you’ve made tremendous progress in promoting efficiency, accountability and fairness at every level of the department, by improving transparency, by helping us to save precious taxpayer resources and by guarding against all forms of waste, fraud and abuse,” said Holder on Wednesday.
Attorney General Eric Holder has singled out the DOJ Inspector General Office for "protecting the rights of Americans". (Hat tip PJ Media)
For what, Mr Holder? For covering your sorry rear end in Operation Fast and Furious?
And this is the same Eric Holder who testified falsely (again) before Congress that he had nothing-nothing-to do with intercepting the communications of the media-even though he personally signed off on the warrant for Fox News' James Rosen's e-mails. Not only that, but we learn that DOJ had to go to three judges to get it signed. The first two refused to sign it.
John Kerry's Foolish Foreign Policy
Hat tip Gatestone Institute and JJ.
Israel too rich. Palestinians too poor.
We already know that John Kerry has promised the Palestinian Authority another 4 billion dollars of US tax payers' money. Here is a classic example of how liberal Democrats simply want to throw money at a problem and buy Palestinian peace. Even more bizarre, Kerry thinks Israel's booming economy is an impediment to peace. That sounds like the "pinkwashing" charge against Israel taking unfair advantage of the fact that gays enjoy equal rights in the Jewish state-as opposed to you-know-where.
Shoshana Bryen lays it out for us in this article for Gatestone Insitute.
Israel too rich. Palestinians too poor.
We already know that John Kerry has promised the Palestinian Authority another 4 billion dollars of US tax payers' money. Here is a classic example of how liberal Democrats simply want to throw money at a problem and buy Palestinian peace. Even more bizarre, Kerry thinks Israel's booming economy is an impediment to peace. That sounds like the "pinkwashing" charge against Israel taking unfair advantage of the fact that gays enjoy equal rights in the Jewish state-as opposed to you-know-where.
Shoshana Bryen lays it out for us in this article for Gatestone Insitute.
Vatican Claim: 100,000 Christians Killed Each Year
The Vatican is claiming that about 100,000 Christians are being killed every year because of their religion.
If that number is even close to correct, it merits serious attention. I note the cautious statements coming out of the UN and our State Department. Hardly surprising. They might have to make a statement as to whom the main perpetrators are.
Of course that leads me back to that asinine conference held last month at UC Berkeley by something called the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project.
Even as Boston police were hunting down the Tsarnaev brothers, these characters were holding seminars on "Islamophobia". Maybe they should have invited Christians from Egypt to Sudan to Pakistan to come and explain their own "phobias" about Muslims since they are being persecuted and, yes, murdered by them. Then the esteemed Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project could file their cases in their documentation center and condemn them all as "Islamophobes".
If that number is even close to correct, it merits serious attention. I note the cautious statements coming out of the UN and our State Department. Hardly surprising. They might have to make a statement as to whom the main perpetrators are.
Of course that leads me back to that asinine conference held last month at UC Berkeley by something called the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project.
Even as Boston police were hunting down the Tsarnaev brothers, these characters were holding seminars on "Islamophobia". Maybe they should have invited Christians from Egypt to Sudan to Pakistan to come and explain their own "phobias" about Muslims since they are being persecuted and, yes, murdered by them. Then the esteemed Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project could file their cases in their documentation center and condemn them all as "Islamophobes".
Victims Conference at UC Berkeley
Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

Hatem Bazian-"victim"
Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene have posted a report on the latest victims' conference at UC Berkeley featuring who else but Berkeley's most noted victim, Hatem Bazian. And how timely, coming on the heels of the April 15 attack in Boston.

Real victims
"Colonialist and Orientalist perceptions generating counter-narratives; disentangling the Palestinian issue from Islamophobic connotations; recasting as a civil rights narrative . . . Transnational associations recasting discussion of Islamophobia . . . analytical framework, which consists of structural context and the discursive strategies of actions."
Last seen, Hatem was speaking at UC San Diego with his dancing partner, Cynthia McKinney. What a hoot that was. If you ever saw the opening of that movie, "The King's Speech", that was Cynthia McKinney.

Hatem Bazian-"victim"
Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene have posted a report on the latest victims' conference at UC Berkeley featuring who else but Berkeley's most noted victim, Hatem Bazian. And how timely, coming on the heels of the April 15 attack in Boston.
Real victims
"Colonialist and Orientalist perceptions generating counter-narratives; disentangling the Palestinian issue from Islamophobic connotations; recasting as a civil rights narrative . . . Transnational associations recasting discussion of Islamophobia . . . analytical framework, which consists of structural context and the discursive strategies of actions."
Last seen, Hatem was speaking at UC San Diego with his dancing partner, Cynthia McKinney. What a hoot that was. If you ever saw the opening of that movie, "The King's Speech", that was Cynthia McKinney.
IRS: It Wasn't Just Cincinnati
Hat tip Breitbart
Now we get a clue as to why Lois Lerner took the 5th amendment last week before Congress rather than answer questions about the IRS's targeting of conservative groups. It wasn't just "a couple of rogue agents in Cincinnati" who wanted to target the Tea Party and other groups.
"Some of the letters are signed by Lois Lerner, the head of the tax-exempt division who pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress last week."
"Just the facts, Ma'am."
The French Get Their Man
Chalk one up for Inspector Clouseau. French police have arrested the man responsible for the stabbing of a French soldier last week week. Seems the guy is a recent convert to Islam.
As to possible motive....
"Alexandre was known to investigators before the stabbing, Mr. Valls said. He urged caution and said, “I cannot talk about radical Islam.” Investigators wanted to know more about the suspect’s motivation, background and family environment, Mr. Valls said."
That's OK, Mr Walls, we'll just have to figure it out for ourselves.
A UC San Diego Math Professor Speaks Out on Campus Hate Week
Hat tip to Max
There is at least one sensible professor at UC San Diego, albeit in the Math Department. That would be Ron Evans. A reader named Max sent me this link to Professor Evans' critique of Israel Apartheid week at UCSD, and I am happy to post it. It was originally published by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.
What was especially "stunning" this year was the performance of speaker Cynthia McKinney, who appeared with her dancing partner Hatem Bazian of UC Berkeley. Her speech was not only rambling, but unintelligible as she completely lost her train of thought (what little she has) while fumbling * to turn on a video of General Wesley Clark talking about George W Bush's secret plan to invade 7- seven countries.
* Next year's speaker will probably be Don King. (Hat tip the late great Jim Healy and John Speedie)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Speaking of Hearts
Hat tip to Miggie
I am cross-posting an article from the Times of Israel, which draws a sharp contrast between what is happening in Syria and what is happening in Israel.
As my readers know, I have a link to One New Heart, a venture based in Jerusalem, in which Christian American missionaries are coordinating with Israeli doctors and hospitals to provide Palestinian and other Arab children with free life-saving heart surgery to correct genital heart defects, which are present at a very high rate due to close intermarriage within Arab families. One New Heart is affiliated with Save a Child's Heart, and I have highlighted many of their success stories. Here is a link to their current sponsored child.
As always, I invite the reader to consider donating to One New Heart. Palestinian families are learning-one family at a time- that Christians, Israelis and Jews, are not the monsters they have been told they are.
Contrast that with the savagery we are witnessing in Syria.
I am cross-posting an article from the Times of Israel, which draws a sharp contrast between what is happening in Syria and what is happening in Israel.
As my readers know, I have a link to One New Heart, a venture based in Jerusalem, in which Christian American missionaries are coordinating with Israeli doctors and hospitals to provide Palestinian and other Arab children with free life-saving heart surgery to correct genital heart defects, which are present at a very high rate due to close intermarriage within Arab families. One New Heart is affiliated with Save a Child's Heart, and I have highlighted many of their success stories. Here is a link to their current sponsored child.
As always, I invite the reader to consider donating to One New Heart. Palestinian families are learning-one family at a time- that Christians, Israelis and Jews, are not the monsters they have been told they are.
Contrast that with the savagery we are witnessing in Syria.
Benghazi: Issa Issues More Subpoenas
Hat tip Hot Air

"You have mail, John."
John Kerry promised cooperation with the House in the Benghazi inquiry, and now he is asked to put up. Hot Air has a report on the documents that Darrell Issa's oversight committeee is demanding. They cover a number of communications related to the development of the Benghazi talking points memo that turned out to be false.
Is this the cue for President Obama to step in and declare them protected by executive privilege?

"You have mail, John."
John Kerry promised cooperation with the House in the Benghazi inquiry, and now he is asked to put up. Hot Air has a report on the documents that Darrell Issa's oversight committeee is demanding. They cover a number of communications related to the development of the Benghazi talking points memo that turned out to be false.
Is this the cue for President Obama to step in and declare them protected by executive privilege?
Pat Condell Speaks Out on the London Killing
Irish commentator Pat Condell expresses the rage that is on-going in the UK over the killing of a British soldier. In this video, he calls out the enablers of the killers, the multi-cultural crowd, the excuse-makers, the hateful preachers in the mosques, etc. He also calls out the silent Muslims who don't report the violent rhetoric coming out of their mosques. He calls for a Muslim backlash against the violence. Most importantly, Condell rejects the apologetics of those who say the killings did not represent Islam itself. Condell maintains that it was just another example of armed jihad, a principle that he says Muslims must reject.
Again, I invite my Muslim readers (and I know you are out there) to join the discussion. Listen to Condell and tell me why you think he is wrong.
Again, I invite my Muslim readers (and I know you are out there) to join the discussion. Listen to Condell and tell me why you think he is wrong.
UC Irvine Breaking News! Iran No Nuclear Threat
That's what the former Iranian ambassador to Germany, Seyed Hossien Mousavian, told a UC Irvine audience last week. No, I wasn't there, but our campus paper, New University, was and got the scoop.
Well, now that that problem has been removed, here's another bit of news breaking out of Iran.
Well, now that that problem has been removed, here's another bit of news breaking out of Iran.
Fjordman in Gates of Vienna
Hat tip Gates of Vienna
The Norwegian blogger who goes by the pseudonym, "Fjordman", is a controversial figure in Europe especially in his native Norway. Not only is his life under threat because of his writings on Islamic immigration to Europe, but his freedom is also under threat due to European "hate speech" laws.
In 2011, when Anders Breivik carried out his horrific massacre of over 70 people, it was briefly rumored that Breivik was, in fact, Fjordman. As it turns out Breivik referred often to Fjordman in his manifesto. Fjordman, in return, has condemned Breivik's act.
Gates of Vienna has posted this recent article by Fjordman in the wake of the murder in London and the Stockholm riots. Fjordman argues that Muslim immigration in the West must be stopped. To a lesser extent, he seems opposed to all immigration into Europe.
Thus, I hesitated before posting this article and took the time to do a little more research on him. I had not been aware that he was studying Arabic in Cairo when 9-11 happened and was outraged at the scenes of Egyptians celebrating. This was a turning point in his attitude toward Islam.
I don't agree with Fjordman that all immigration to the West should be halted. The aim should not be to maintain a lily-white Anglo-Saxon population, in my view, but to maintain Western values of freedom and assimilation. I am more concerned with an immigrant's belief system that I am his or her ethnicity.
I think Fjordman's article here merits serious discussion. I am not aware of everything else he has written which may or may not be offensive. You may agree or disagree with his conclusions, but the issue in Europe is real and must be dealt with eventually something European leaders have been unwilling to do.
As always, Muslim readers are welcome to comment.
The Norwegian blogger who goes by the pseudonym, "Fjordman", is a controversial figure in Europe especially in his native Norway. Not only is his life under threat because of his writings on Islamic immigration to Europe, but his freedom is also under threat due to European "hate speech" laws.
In 2011, when Anders Breivik carried out his horrific massacre of over 70 people, it was briefly rumored that Breivik was, in fact, Fjordman. As it turns out Breivik referred often to Fjordman in his manifesto. Fjordman, in return, has condemned Breivik's act.
Gates of Vienna has posted this recent article by Fjordman in the wake of the murder in London and the Stockholm riots. Fjordman argues that Muslim immigration in the West must be stopped. To a lesser extent, he seems opposed to all immigration into Europe.
Thus, I hesitated before posting this article and took the time to do a little more research on him. I had not been aware that he was studying Arabic in Cairo when 9-11 happened and was outraged at the scenes of Egyptians celebrating. This was a turning point in his attitude toward Islam.
I don't agree with Fjordman that all immigration to the West should be halted. The aim should not be to maintain a lily-white Anglo-Saxon population, in my view, but to maintain Western values of freedom and assimilation. I am more concerned with an immigrant's belief system that I am his or her ethnicity.
I think Fjordman's article here merits serious discussion. I am not aware of everything else he has written which may or may not be offensive. You may agree or disagree with his conclusions, but the issue in Europe is real and must be dealt with eventually something European leaders have been unwilling to do.
As always, Muslim readers are welcome to comment.
UC Davis Follow-up: Corrective Actions to be Taken
UCD Chancellor Linda Katehi
Reference is made to my previous reports on an incident last year at UC Davis, where Jewish students were singled out for harassment and intimidation by pro-Palestinian students.
The Brandeis Center has just posted this news update, in which Chancellor Linda Katehi has announced new measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence of such incidents.
Another Eric Holder Lie (Under Oath)
"Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Holder insisted that "the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material" is not something he was involved in or knew about. "
So Eric Holder never signed off on those warrants to gain access to journalists' communications (according to his testimony) ?
We now know he signed off on the warrant targeting Fox reporter (and "possible co-conspirator") James Rosen's e-mails.
"Oh, I thought they were asking me about the AP reporters."
Seems he also stretched the truth about targeting reporters for possible crimes involved with leaks.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Juan Williams, Eric Holder and Other Hare-Brain Obama Ideas
Hot tip Hot Air
It has been a rather confusing week for President Obama. His reactions to all the scandals going on is eerily reminiscent of Hitler in the bunker. (OK, a bit of an exaggeration.)
As much as I like Fox's Juan Williams, yesterday was not his best moment as he tried to defend President Obama's appointment of Eric Holder to investigate the DOJ warrants and subpoenas for reporters' communications-including the warrant targeted at Fox's James Rosen-which Holder signed off on. At the below link, you can watch Williams' exchange with an incredulous Brit Hume.
If not mistaken, didn't Hitler appoint Hermann Goering to lead the investigation into the Reichstag fire in 1933?
Excellent choice since it was probably Goering's plan in the first place.*
*A feeble-minded young Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested inside the building, quickly tried and executed. Though never completely solved, the fire was thought to be the idea of Goering and Goebbels to eliminate political opposition. The communists were blamed.
Well, that's pretty much how Obama handles scandals in his administration. He lets everybody investigate themselves and get back to him within 30 days.
That brings me to the President's historic speech a few days ago -at least in the opinion of that wise old sage of the media, Chris Hayes.
Obama not only begged Congress to stop him before he orders another drone attack, he also requested they shut down Gitmo (He must have recused himself.)

"I therefore ask that the Reichstag shut down Dachau, which has been an embarrassment for Germany in the eyes of the world. We have a much better new facility at Buchenwald.
As to those reports of civil rights abuses, Reichsminister Himmler shares my concern. He will conduct a thorough investigation into these allegations and report back to me in 1946."
It has been a rather confusing week for President Obama. His reactions to all the scandals going on is eerily reminiscent of Hitler in the bunker. (OK, a bit of an exaggeration.)
As much as I like Fox's Juan Williams, yesterday was not his best moment as he tried to defend President Obama's appointment of Eric Holder to investigate the DOJ warrants and subpoenas for reporters' communications-including the warrant targeted at Fox's James Rosen-which Holder signed off on. At the below link, you can watch Williams' exchange with an incredulous Brit Hume.
If not mistaken, didn't Hitler appoint Hermann Goering to lead the investigation into the Reichstag fire in 1933?
Excellent choice since it was probably Goering's plan in the first place.*
*A feeble-minded young Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested inside the building, quickly tried and executed. Though never completely solved, the fire was thought to be the idea of Goering and Goebbels to eliminate political opposition. The communists were blamed.
Well, that's pretty much how Obama handles scandals in his administration. He lets everybody investigate themselves and get back to him within 30 days.
That brings me to the President's historic speech a few days ago -at least in the opinion of that wise old sage of the media, Chris Hayes.
Obama not only begged Congress to stop him before he orders another drone attack, he also requested they shut down Gitmo (He must have recused himself.)
"I therefore ask that the Reichstag shut down Dachau, which has been an embarrassment for Germany in the eyes of the world. We have a much better new facility at Buchenwald.
As to those reports of civil rights abuses, Reichsminister Himmler shares my concern. He will conduct a thorough investigation into these allegations and report back to me in 1946."
John McCain-What Are You Thinking?
Senator John McCain made a reckless move today when he slipped into Syria from Turkey and met with rebel leaders. One wonders what he was trying to accomplish.
McCain is an outspoken advocate for giving military aid to the Syrian rebels. He no doubt has been moved by the sheer number of civilian casualties in this civil war. Yet, in my view, he is not only on a fool's errand, but a dangerous one at that. Has he not learned the bitter lesson of Libya? We gave military assistance to the Libyan rebels-not to the extent the French did- but how were we rewarded?
So what are we going to accomplish in Syria? Of course, nobody in the West-except for cuckoos like George Galloway- have any regard for the brutal dictator Assad, but we now know that there are numerous factions fighting in Syria including al Qaeda types. Whoever wins doesn't figure to be any friend of the West or the USA. All we can expect is another form of tyranny-Islamic tyranny. There is nothing we can do about it.
I say have no part of it. I don't want to see one American soldier sent to Syria nor even one American pilot taking the risk of flying over Syria, being shot down and falling into the clutches of some Jihadist head-choppers.
We have already made a mess of things in Egypt and Libya. Iraq is slipping beneath the waves. Afghanistan will forever be Afghanistan. Why should we repeat the same mistake in Syria and go down the same rathole? It's a lose-lose proposition, and John McCain's action today was irresponsible.
McCain is an outspoken advocate for giving military aid to the Syrian rebels. He no doubt has been moved by the sheer number of civilian casualties in this civil war. Yet, in my view, he is not only on a fool's errand, but a dangerous one at that. Has he not learned the bitter lesson of Libya? We gave military assistance to the Libyan rebels-not to the extent the French did- but how were we rewarded?
So what are we going to accomplish in Syria? Of course, nobody in the West-except for cuckoos like George Galloway- have any regard for the brutal dictator Assad, but we now know that there are numerous factions fighting in Syria including al Qaeda types. Whoever wins doesn't figure to be any friend of the West or the USA. All we can expect is another form of tyranny-Islamic tyranny. There is nothing we can do about it.
I say have no part of it. I don't want to see one American soldier sent to Syria nor even one American pilot taking the risk of flying over Syria, being shot down and falling into the clutches of some Jihadist head-choppers.
We have already made a mess of things in Egypt and Libya. Iraq is slipping beneath the waves. Afghanistan will forever be Afghanistan. Why should we repeat the same mistake in Syria and go down the same rathole? It's a lose-lose proposition, and John McCain's action today was irresponsible.
British War Memorials Defaced-EDL Protests Continue
Hat tip Atlas Shrugs

In the wake of the horrific murder of British soldier, Lee Rigby, British war memorials have been defaced as reported by the BBC.
Anger is rising in Britain. The English Defence League (EDL) is marching, and the compliant British media paints them as the extremists. Yet, in the below article, you can see a video with one of the killers standing right behind radical Muslim leader Anjem Choudary in a 2007 protest.

Michael Adebolajo in 2007
Photo BBC
In the wake of the horrific murder of British soldier, Lee Rigby, British war memorials have been defaced as reported by the BBC.
Anger is rising in Britain. The English Defence League (EDL) is marching, and the compliant British media paints them as the extremists. Yet, in the below article, you can see a video with one of the killers standing right behind radical Muslim leader Anjem Choudary in a 2007 protest.
Michael Adebolajo in 2007
Photo BBC
Let's Play, "What the Hell Happened Today in Iraq?" (May 27, 2013)
"Here are your choices:"
a "Mission accomplished"
b A Zionist Jew blew himself up with a suicide bomb killing dozens.
c That notorious Israeli shark attacked a swimmer in the Euphrates River.
d Car bombs went off in Shi'ite parts of Baghdad killing at least 66.
Here's a clue:
"Can I call a friend?"
"Sure, who do you want to call?"
"President Obama."
"Royal Hawaiian Golf Club."
"Uh, yeah. Could you connect me with President Obama, please?"
"Sure hold on. Hey Hattie, connect this call to the 13th tee."
"Obama speaking."
"Hey Mr President. What the Hell happened today in Iraq?'
"Nothing. Mission accomplished."
"Thanks (click). I'll go with 'a', Bob."
"Ohhh, so sorry. The answer is 'd'.
Sweden: Searching for the Cause
After 6 nights of rioting, the fires in the Stockholm suburbs are dying out and things are getting back to "normal". Only 10 cars were set ablaze last night, which is about the average. The police are starting to identify and round up the perps, book 'em and cut 'em loose. Now the Swedish elite is trying to ask the question of why? Here is one opinion in the English-language Local.
At least, the esteemed observer is getting close. Yes, it has to do with a failed immigration policy and no, it's not because the Swedes have not spent enough money.
David Frum, an American writing in The Daily Beast, comes a little bit closer then mysteriously runs out of words.
"* Sweden's asylum seekers come almost entirely from very poor Muslim-majority countries, notably Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Syria."
Is there a conclusion there, David?
In the first article, the writer refers to the Rosengard area of Malmo, but makes no mention (nor does Frum) of the virulent Jew-hatred being perpetrated by the same immigrants who are doing the rioting. That hatred has made Malmo the anti-Semitic capital of Sweden and probably Europe as well. Jews are leaving the city-and the country in droves.
If Sweden wants to promote itself as a multi-cultural paradise, it could start by being a tad more judicious as to where they are getting their immigrants from. The world is full of places and people who would make a positive contribution to an adopted country and bring the best of their cultures with them. Why import the worst? Why import violence, crime and old hatreds? Why import radicalism?
Of course, if you are writing about this in Sweden, you must be more circumspect in what you say. If you are a Swede and get too close to the truth, you could wind up in jail. If you are yourself an immigrant and get too close to the truth, you could wind up dead.
At least, the esteemed observer is getting close. Yes, it has to do with a failed immigration policy and no, it's not because the Swedes have not spent enough money.
David Frum, an American writing in The Daily Beast, comes a little bit closer then mysteriously runs out of words.
"* Sweden's asylum seekers come almost entirely from very poor Muslim-majority countries, notably Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Syria."
Is there a conclusion there, David?
In the first article, the writer refers to the Rosengard area of Malmo, but makes no mention (nor does Frum) of the virulent Jew-hatred being perpetrated by the same immigrants who are doing the rioting. That hatred has made Malmo the anti-Semitic capital of Sweden and probably Europe as well. Jews are leaving the city-and the country in droves.
If Sweden wants to promote itself as a multi-cultural paradise, it could start by being a tad more judicious as to where they are getting their immigrants from. The world is full of places and people who would make a positive contribution to an adopted country and bring the best of their cultures with them. Why import the worst? Why import violence, crime and old hatreds? Why import radicalism?
Of course, if you are writing about this in Sweden, you must be more circumspect in what you say. If you are a Swede and get too close to the truth, you could wind up in jail. If you are yourself an immigrant and get too close to the truth, you could wind up dead.
John Kerry Giving $ 4 Billion More to Palestinian Aurthority
"Sequester be damned."
Secretary of State John Heinz Kerry was in Jordan this week, and he didn't show up empty-handed. Now he is pledging another $ 4 Billion to the Palestinian Authority.
I guess peace is now just a matter of days.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Tommy Robinson of English Defence League Interview
Hat tip Gates of Vienna
The day after the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence League sat down for a half-hour interview. It is well worth the time to listen to what he has to say.
The term Robinson uses ("grooming") refers to Muslim gangs of men abusing English girls, drugging them, and passing them around for sex. There have been several documented cases of arrests and prosecution for this type of crime in the UK.
The day after the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence League sat down for a half-hour interview. It is well worth the time to listen to what he has to say.
The term Robinson uses ("grooming") refers to Muslim gangs of men abusing English girls, drugging them, and passing them around for sex. There have been several documented cases of arrests and prosecution for this type of crime in the UK.
Two Names on the Wall (3)
Dorian Jan Houser (1946-1967)
Michael G Vinassa (1946-1966)
As I have been doing on Memorial Day, I am re-posting an article I did originally in 2007 paying tribute to two of my high-school friends who were killed in Viet Nam.
Stockholm Riots-Day 6
Hat tip Jihad i Malmo and Creeping Sharia

The rioting around Stockholm has continued into its 6th night. Creeping Sharia has a report in English taken from the Swedish in Jihad i Malmo. It's over 9 minutes long, but the background music is really cool!
The American Embassy in Stockholm has issued a travel advisory for its citizens living in Stockholm to avoid Husby and four other areas around the capital.
The rioting around Stockholm has continued into its 6th night. Creeping Sharia has a report in English taken from the Swedish in Jihad i Malmo. It's over 9 minutes long, but the background music is really cool!
The American Embassy in Stockholm has issued a travel advisory for its citizens living in Stockholm to avoid Husby and four other areas around the capital.
London Killers: No Terror Ties, MSNBC?

It seems like only yesterday when I posted this piece of two MSNBC geniuses, Martin Bashir and Chris Hayes, pontificating on the "fact" that the two Nigerian murderers in London had no ties to any organized terrorist group (two days, actually).
Now comes this:
Has England Had Enough?
The English Defence League turns out in the wake of the murder of a British soldier in London to send a message: Enough!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Madness Continues: Venice
In the wake of the horrific killing of a British soldier in London, the knife attack of a French soldier in France, now a Jewish youth is attacked by a gang of about 15 Arab youths in Venice.
French Soldier Attacked in France
Hat tip Karen
Here's one for Inspector Clouseau

"There are elements -- the sudden violence of the attack -- that could lead one to believe there might be a comparison with what happened in London," Interior Minister Manuel Valls told France 2 television. "But at this point, honestly, let us be prudent."
Here's a little extra information about the attack.
"The lone attacker was described as a young man wearing a Muslim prayer cap and a North African-style robe called a jellabah."
Ya think?
Here's one for Inspector Clouseau
"There are elements -- the sudden violence of the attack -- that could lead one to believe there might be a comparison with what happened in London," Interior Minister Manuel Valls told France 2 television. "But at this point, honestly, let us be prudent."
Here's a little extra information about the attack.
"The lone attacker was described as a young man wearing a Muslim prayer cap and a North African-style robe called a jellabah."
Ya think?
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