“In general, we are a safer country when law enforcement knows who is here, has their fingerprints, photos, et cetera, background checks,” Schumer said.
Hey Chuckie! Wouldn't we be safer if they weren't here???
When the dust settles, maybe Congress can have a discussion about the wisdom of importing people from certain parts of the world-like Somalia and Chechnya.
We haven't imported Somalis and Chechens since the halcyon days of the George Bush administration, when the assumption was that refugees from anywhere were "freedom fighters" just waiting to build American style democracy all around the world.
Then there are George Bush's terrorists, who were Ronald Reagan's freedom fighters.
You missed a good point you could have made though... try quoting Justice Antonin Scalia, who said we can all agree that the SAFEST place to live is in a totalitarian dictatorship... but the framers of our constitution didn't develop one as our form of government.
You may have taken Schumer out of context... but if he was talking about gun laws, we mostly have the constitutional right to keep and bear, but its worthwhile to take some prudent measures to make those who don't have such a right (felons, psychotic, people with domestic violence raps) work harder to get one. And that requires some modest registration and background checks.
Nobody who endorses mandatory use of photo ID to access our own money or to vote should have a problem with this.
The far left will do anything to get undocumented democrates documented, no matter where they come from.
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