
Friday, April 5, 2013

Oops! UC Riverside Student Government Rescinds Israel Divestment Vote

Hat tip Campus Reform

“Their presentation was full of wild accusations, libelous, and since nobody got a chance to really answer them, the senators voted without really realizing what they were voting on,” Philippe Assouline, a research associate for the pro-Israel organization Stand With Us, told Campus Reform.

Gee. Did the UC Riverside student government decide that they had been misled by the Students for Justice in Palestine when they originally passed that resolution (uselessly) calling on UCR to divest from companies that do business with Israel?




Miggie said...

It was hard to believe that 80% of the NY high school graduates were illiterate. Now I see that even the UC University system has functional imbeciles.

The school system has been in the hands of Democrats and Progressives for the last 50 or 60 years! It has been horrendously expensive and has got us nowhere. Let me amend that, a lot of teachers are enjoying pensions now. Every time you take teachers and schools out of the competitive free market, this is what you get.

Findalis said...

They knew exactly what they were doing. In fact if they could ban Jews from campus permanently they would.