This week I heard Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on Sean Hannity's radio show talking about this matter. This is outrageous.
Doesn't leave much material to train the agents on, does it?
"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The US Army has purged all negative references to you in its training manuals."
And the Muslim Brotherhood is laughing at us, because their "Civilization Jihad" is working very well for them.
Since nobody is saying what's IN the documents, all we have in the way of hard facts is that Michele Bachman and a fellow Republican or two or shocked, agitated, deeply concerned, etc. etc. etc.
This is the loony bird who said the founding fathers fought against slavery until it was no more.
Neither her facts nor her thought process are credible.
There have been training materials that said "Muslims are our enemy" in all but words. Those should be scrapped. What else is being scrapped, we don't know, because its secret.
Maybe you should do some reading on things like hudud sharia, some choices verses from the Koran and read all about the life of Mohammed. You might learn something about why we have this pesky little international problem called terrorism. It doesn't happen because some Chechen family from Daqgestan can't seem to fit into our horrible society.
I have a mint condition copy of Marmaduke Pickthall's "The Meaning of the Glorious Koran" on my bookshelf. I pull it out whenever you make ignorant, bigoted, self-serving allegations about what it all amounts to. (I picked it up at a library book sale in a small town in rural Wisconsin). It's become abundantly clear over the past five years that you don't know anything about Islam, or about terrorism, and all you can do is repeat "but don't you understand my morbid fantasies about how the Muslims are trying to do us in, all billion of them and all their leaders except the good ones I occasionally allude to who I could count on the fingers of one hand because it makes me feel less bigoted to refer to them now and then?"
If you were in charge of our national security, we would be doomed.
I have a mint copy of the Koran itself, and I also pull it out when I want to see what comes out of the horse's mouth-not some guy named marmaduke. I also have a very good friend who is Muslim, and I use him as an authority as well.
His name is Mohammed, and I consider His word definitive.
I may not be the greatest choice to be head of our national security, but John Brennan, Janet Napolitano and James Clapper??? How about the Marx Brothers?
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