
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Larry Reyes Responds to Hanoi Jane's "Get a Life" Response to Boycott

Larry Reyes, the vet who is organizing a boycott of the movie in which Jane Fonda is portraying Nancy Reagan, has appeared on Megan Kelly's Fox News show and responded to Fonda's comment that her critics should "get a life".

Well said, Larry.

As for the radio broadcasts that Fonda made in Hanoi, you can read them for yourself. They are recorded and documented (hat tip Winter Soldier).

Here is more in the way of transcripts from

Ever heard of Tokyo Rose? Ever heard of Axis Sally? How about Lord Haw Haw?

Different people. Different circumstances. Certainly a different (and declared) war. It could be argued that Toguri and Gillars were victims of circumstance. I will leave it to the reader to decide where Fonda fits into that group.


Dusty said...

Sorry for the non-sequitor. can you help us publicize this?
Say no to Divestment at UC Berkeley

The petition for community members is here:

Cal alumni should sign this petition:

You can also follow the anti-BDS effort here:

Please circulate this to all of your pro-Israel contacts!

Gary Fouse said...


Happy to do so. It's late tonight so I will do it Sunday.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yawn (to Fonda and all those preoccupied with her, not to Dusty).

Last I knew, Winter Soldier Organization was the rump of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, taken over by college-based Maoists who thought they could come to the American working class with the offer "We've come to be your leader."

That totally destroyed the organization, of course. I wonder why anyone picked up on the name now?