
Monday, March 4, 2013

The Madness of Our Middle East Policy Continues

As the situation for Egyptian Coptic Christians worsens, now we have a report of the arrests and mistreatment of Copts in Libya.

Of course, Egypt could care less that these are their own citizens.

In the below op-ed Jay Sekulow writes that this is no time to be giving aid to Egypt.

Common sense would say that in these tight economic times, pouring millions upon millions down a rat hole in Egypt makes no sense. However, this administration does not know the meaning of common sense. They are four-square on the side of the Islamist factions no matter what they say. Not even Jimmy Carter in his worst moments acted so irresponsibly when the Ayatollahs took over Iran. This is much worse. We are trying to manage something we cannot manage or control. President Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton before him have been dragging us into a deep, dark hole.

The future of the Christian communities within the Islamic world is pretty grim-similar to the Jews in Germany in the 1930s. They should all be getting out, and the West (and Israel) should give them refuge. We should also get out, wash our hands of this mess, and let the barbarians do what they wish to each other. They are not worth one more American life.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

I wish it were that easy, Gary. The problem is that they are not content with their own countries. We saw that on 9/11.

They want to spread their faith and will not be satisfied until the entire world is under Sharia Law.