The Orange County Register is reporting today that the Irvine City Council has unanimously approved (4-0- Beth Krom was absent) to establish an annual tax on future homeowners living near the Great Gopher Patch also known as the the Great Park.
Just what everybody in California needs-another tax. I guess Irvine Boss Larry Agran wasn't listening when I asked him last year where they were going to get more tax revenue after all the tax payers had fled California.
Excuse me for asking, but after $200 million has disappeared down the hole weren't we supposed to have those roads, bridges, runway demolition and all that? Instead, all we have is an orange hot air balloon and carousel- without a ding dong bell.
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."
Left unasked and unexplained is who is going to buy a new home near the Great Park knowing they have to pay another few thousand bucks in annual taxes.
In principle, its reasonable to have homeowners benefiting from being adjacent to a park pay a modest tax to contribute to upkeep of the park, rather than what currently happens, developers command a higher price for the homes, from which they contribute nothing to maintaining the views that motivate the higher return on investment.
Of course, nobody will buy a home that comes with a tax for the privilege of looking at a dusty moonscape pocked by gopher holes, and an orange balloon on the horizon.
Which is exactly what it is-no matter how many street signs they put up with arrows pointing to nowhere.
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