
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Handsome Henry Waxman in the News

"Tax me, Henry. Tax me."

Ranking Members Waxman and Rush Request Testimony From Scientists on Urgent Threat of Climate Change

(Hat tip Henry Waxman web site)

Well, at least on his own website. It seems Handsome Henry is teaming up with Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL and ex-Black Panther) to save the planet from Climate Change because The End is Near.

Bobby Rush

But that's not the only news item for Handsome Henry. Along with a few other Washington politicians, he is also figuring the price we will pay for carbon emissions.

 “This proposal has a great deal of potential to help protect the environment, reduce the deficit, create jobs, and support the transition to clean energy sources and low carbon transportation options.
-Rep Earl Blumenauer Oregon

Create jobs??!!

Yes. For government bureaucrats to track our carbon emissions. No word on how much they will charge us for breaking wind.

Handsome Henry Waxman, Ladies and Gentlemen.


elwood p suggins said...

Are Waxman and Rush a pair to draw to, or what??

Findalis said...

Please tell me what Global Warming. In the last 17 years the data on the Earth's climate shows no warming trend.

Squid said...

Global warming is dead. Those academically dishonest, pseudo-scientists have been dishonored and their findings cast off as fraud. No doubt, the Obama administration and money grabbing Democrats will drink all the koolaid they can to resurrect the pseudo-science to push for carbon exchanges, worth trillions of dollars of air. Remember, it was Obama that helped fund the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) with Raines and Al Gore. It went down after "Climate-gate". This President will not stop at anything to kill our energy program and the U.S. economy. Waxman and Rush are merely whores to Obama.


Miggie said...

Guys! All we need is to finance a few more Solyndras, bankrupt anyone who wants to extract coal or gas or oil, block pipelines, and stuff like that. Forget that the cost of everything we buy that is shipped, including food, will be increased substantially.

The cost of gas will double once again and we will be just like Europe, forced to buy mini cars. That's the real goal here, control the atmosphere, the healthcare, the food you eat, the guns you have, the kind of lightbulbs you have to use, the amount of water you are allowed to flush your toilet.

We'll have all kinds of agencies to pass regulations, administer programs and draw pensions.

I tell you, it's a wonderful vote getter. It is really hard to get someone away from the trough. So you got to get more of them at the trough. Just advertise the programs available, scare them with Global Warming, give them free cell phones, and on and on. All that money multiplies until they realize that it has to come from someone and those someones and those corporations are going to be someplace else... anywhere that is not as insane as this administration.

Gary Fouse said...


This is all part of what Obama and his gang are trying to do. They know they are destroying our economy. That way, they can build it back up according to the socialist model-or the Marxist model.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I wish Obama were either prepared or capable to deliver a socialist economy. He's not even in the ballpark. If we had taken a socialist approach to the banks, the Tea Party would have been stillborn, because its basically what Tea Party 2.0 was demanding. Then the whole thing got hijacked by well-financed Republican consultants who smelled a cash cow.