
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fighting Back on US Campuses

I am cross-posting this ad which I received from the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This organization is one of the few that is actively fighting back against the misinformation on college campuses against Israel. If you wish to contribute for this ad project, the information as to how you can do so is included.

At UC Irvine, I have personally been witnessing the lies and intimidation on a regular basis. It is time we start taking back our campuses from the bullies, antisemites, indoctrinating professors, and weak-kneed administrators. This is a good way to do so.


Dear Freedom Center Supporter,

Anti Semitism on America's campuses—nonstop bashing of Israel and glorification of Hamas and other jihad groups, and even physical intimidation of Jewish students—is worse than ever. Administrators and faculty accepts all this as part of the university's standard operating procedure. But the Freedom Center calls it for what it is—an intellectual reign of terror.

And we're fighting back!

Think of what is allowed to take place these days as part of our universities' business as usual:

  • "Israel Apartheid Weeks" staged every year by hate groups such as the Muslim Students Association that echo the call of Hamas for the "liberation" of Palestine "from the river to the sea," which really means destroying the Jewish state and pushing its inhabitants into the sea;

  • "Nakkba" demonstrations that see the founding of Israel as a "crime against humanity;"

  • Calls by the growing BDS movement for Boycott or Divestment from Israel; and

  • Sanctions against Israel because it is a "fascist state" whose official policy is "apartheid."

These unrelenting attacks against Israel and Jewish students are shameful and disgusting. Will you help the Freedom fight back today with a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?

While the truth about the Middle East is systematically turned upside-down and inside-out, no one is stepping forward to defend Israel and remind her enemies that:

  • Israel is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East;

  • Countries such as Lebanon and Jordan that have apartheid-style laws on their books; and

  • Islamic supremacists viciously subjugate women and persecute gays, Christians and other religious and racial minorities.

There's only one organization willing to go onto our campuses to tell our students the truth about this brutal discrimination that occurs under Islamic Sharia Law—and that's the Freedom Center.

This year the Freedom Center is sponsoring "Islamic Apartheid Weeks" on over 50 campuses across the country. These events will provide a truth-telling, in your face response to the Big Lies that are at the foundation of the leftist "Israel Apartheid Weeks." They will explain and explore the many forms of Islamic apartheid—racism, ethnic cleansing, gender discrimination, political oppression and slavery—that have been part of the Middle East for over a millennium and are now spreading into Africa and other regions of the world.

One of the main components of the Freedom Center's campaign is to insert full-page ads like this one in campus newspapers across the country. Under the headline "Faces of Islamic Apartheid," the advertisement will features victims of Sharia law abroad and in the U.S. such as Amina and Sarah Said, murdered in Texas by their father for dating non-Muslims, and Shahbas Bhatti, the sole Christian minister in Pakistan's cabinet who was murdered by members of the Taliban for advocating reform of Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws.

While our college students hear the Big Lie about Israel every day, they never hear the truth about the body count, even in the U.S., that results from the teachings of radical Islam. And we need them to! So will you support our efforts with an immediate tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?

We are currently submitting this ad to 50 campus papers around the country to coincide with March's "Israel Apartheid Week" events. We have already received confirmations that the ad will run in the papers at the following Colleges and Universities,

  • Rutgers;

  • Colorado State;

  • George Washington University;

  • University of Texas – Austin;

  • Tufts;

  • UNC - Chapel Hill; and

  • University of Pennsylvania.

We are targeting at least another 40 campuses this week. But the cost of running ads in just these newspapers is about $75,000! So please follow this link right now to make a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to support our efforts.

These ads do what nothing else can do—highlight the true sources of "apartheid" in the Middle East put the campus Islamists attacking Israel on the defensive. The Freedom Center is on the front lines in the war on campus between the Big Lie and the truth in the Middle East. Your support is critical to making this effort a success.

Thank you for everything you do to help me and the Freedom Center.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

P.S. We need your help to place this ad in campus newspapers at Colleges and Universities across the country. Will you make a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to the Freedom Center right away? We must raise $75,000 by midnight tomorrow, so I'm counting on you. Thanks—David


The David Horowitz Freedom Center
P.O. Box 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964


Anonymous said...

there is a problem with the links from the poster.
from beforeitsnews clicking on the poster returned an "invalid feed request Error 400" message.
on this site it went to a cox login page

Gary Fouse said...

Perhaps in that case, but what about the others. There are numerous photos of gay hangings in Iran on the internet.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

But they haven't been featured on Fousesquawk. Tell us about them. Shouldn't each case be judged on its own merits?

Gary Fouse said...


Thanks for the tip. Your comment was originally in the spam folder. I have corrected the problem, but you will not be access to click on the poster.