Janet Napolitano-2010 Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year
This outrageous story features TSA agents at Phoenix Airport making a disabled Marine, who had lost both his legs, remove his prosthetic devices and come out of his wheelchair-though he was unable to walk. Unbelievable.
Well, maybe not so unbelievable. During President Obama's first term, DHS director Janet the Jerk Napolitano issued a memo to the effect that the greatest terror threat facing this nation came from right-wingers and returning war vets. Maybe that explains why this poor man was subjected to this humiliating treatment. (Hat tip Seeing Red AZ)
I'll bet those TSA agents had a copy of that memo hanging on their office wall.
We continue to hear stories of the TSA and their antics when encountering the public, as they supposedly do the task of protecting us. But, the TSA, lead by the "Jerk of the Year", Janet Napolitano, engages in stupid behavior and in some cases such this one, abhorred behavior which would be the grist for a horror movie.
We hear that the TSA thinks it is OK to have 2.3 inch knives on a plane, which are bigger than box cutters. We hear that bombs pass through their machines and are missed in searches made by the agents. We hear that 80 - 90 year old caucasian females have their luggage dumped for review. We hear about the worst performance by agents who do not have high school diplomas or GEDs. We certainly now know that they also lack humanity, sensitivity, common sense, and the intelligence to know what is right and wrong when meeting the public.
The report of a recent double amputee Marine, who, in his young life is most likely thinking how he is going to live the rest of his life as a disabled individual, while enduring the psychological and physical pain of his injury, is commanded to take off his apparatus. He is also commanded to walk, very painfully, to another area for inspection. Imagine the state of mind of this Marine, who gave his legs protecting the scum who is embarrassing him in front of the public.
Is this the way we treat our heroes?
Shame on Napolitano, and her minions and maximum shame on Obama for allowing this poor behavior to continue without investigation and positive change.
Don't be silly Gary. There is a much more prosaic explanation, and it passes Occam's razor with a flourish.
When you hire 10,000 people to flesh out a brand new security service, you don't get a bunch of highly skilled, dedicated public servants and guardians of the nation. You get 10,000 people who didn't have a job and need the paycheck.
Then, you give them a complex set of regulations nobody could memorize or consistently adhere to, and give them pep talks about rigorous adherence and don't let anyone give you a sob story.
Then, they go dumb things, like run their hands up under women's skirts because they might be smuggling guns (women are advised to wear pants to avoid this), and telling disabled marines to remove their prostheses.
Its how the system works.
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